Press & Feedback
When Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie are on the cover, there can only be something good inside... Oberösterreicherin, 03/15 (the cover of the first edition of my book looked different).

Customer opinions
You now know how convinced I am of these methods. Now I'm sure you'd like to hear from other women whether it's all true, what they took away from the course and, above all, whether the methods really work! Here are the voices of women who have learnt them from me - just click on the photo to play the video.
Here is a summary of the individual feedbacks:

There are only 2 weeks between these photos!
"Dear Christina! It's been a week since our retreat and I'm busy practising facial yoga, scraping, cupping and Dien Cham. I am thrilled and have already achieved great results. The most impressive are my frown lines, or rather my former frown lines. See for yourself. I took the 1st picture on the 1st day in Mallorca. The 2nd just after the treatments... Family and friends have already mentioned it to me. Thank you very much for your great work, I am thrilled! „
Dear Christina, I am already one of you. Both your book and especially your super online course are great. I've already looked at and copied some of it many times. I'm really pleased with my results in the short time of about 3 weeks. I like the Dien Cham method best and I do the energy massage every morning. I have also bought the Book by Nhuan Le Quang bought. I don't buy expensive cosmetics any more. I prefer to use coconut oil and al mask "Gelee Royale" from Aurica. I'm a bit older and only now do I really have time for myself, or rather I'm finally taking time for myself. It's not always easy alongside my self-employed work, but it's worth it. There are so many great and worthwhile things you just have to find them. Best regards, Uschi
Ursula Freyer, nutritional counselling
Luise is Memory world champion in the 60+ category and former sports professor - and user of Chi instead of Botox. She surprised me with a wonderful video in which she talks about her experiences with my methods. Thank you dear Luise, I was delighted! I took notice when she talked about "putting my exercises on my body". Luise offers on her website and her YouTube channel ( ) great memory tips:
My dear Yin gurus and unfolding teachers, (email is addressed to me and Ursula, see Mallorca retreat under "Live courses")
I just can't stop thanking you so many times and again and again for how much you have contributed to my well-being and beauty and continue to do so every day.
I am very happy with myself, I feel beautiful and truly ageless. Please can you tell your clients that this is just the beginning: i.e. the result of only 7 months of your Chi instead of Botox massages combined with Yin food and lifestyle according to Ursula's recommendations. I plan to achieve much more, there is still a lot more to come, because I have learnt that much more is always possible than you can imagine.
With infinite gratitude for your indescribably great contribution to my quality of life, I send you a big yin hug!
Simona, 53 years old (which is hard to believe!)
Dear Christina,
people are sceptical, but isn't it the case that many people take the path of least resistance and prefer to apply an anti-wrinkle cream (facial yoga does a lot more work after all) and well, hope dies last and the cosmetics industry is believed. Although common sense already answers the question: it can't work!
By the way, your workshops are very professional, especially if you really want to make a difference. I have also been "lubricating" for years.
As a beautician, I am particularly pleased with this great experience, my facial features are actually starting to relax and I look rested and relaxed to my counterpart. The chin area is firmer (my sister has noticed and I now pass this on to my customers.
Thank you, thank you for your work and best regards from Berlin!
Hello dear Christina,
I'm sure you're surprised that I'm writing to you - but I would like to thank you very much!
I only found your videos on YouTube by chance. I was actually looking for a video about facial massage because my new Braun epilator also has a massage attachment and I didn't want to do anything wrong. I saw you in your videos and was totally inspired - I immediately ordered your book and bought the necessary utensils...
I have been doing your suggested exercises for four weeks now and am so pleased with the success!
My sagging cheeks are almost gone,
My upper lip has become much fuller and the wrinkles around my lips are also almost gone,
My neck and décolleté have become firmer,
My drooping eyelids are also receding and the bags under my eyes are almost invisible.
You have given me back so much zest for life - it's such a wonderful feeling to look at yourself in the mirror, to accept yourself as you are and to do yourself so much good at the same time. I haven't used cream for four weeks now either...
You can never tell how exhausted I am from my two operations. One was last year and the last one was at the beginning of July.
Just now at the petrol station, the cashier asked me if I had a good day today? I said yes, what makes you think so and he replied "You're beaming!"
Yes Christina, I really do glow - but from the inside out, if you know what I mean?
And I owe it all to YOU, so I wanted to let you know and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your GIFT to me! I really haven't had it easy in the last few months, but thanks to you I've managed to pull myself out of this low and make a fresh start...
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Best wishes from the German side of Lake Constance,
Corina Christina
PS: I took these photos shortly after getting up today and now you can guess how old I'll be on 14 October 2020
Corina, soon to be 55
I don't remember exactly how I found Christina, but you simply can't miss an angel on earth. I was looking for something and found the perfect one for me. I've always attached a lot of importance to my appearance and after my 40th birthday I really thought that my life was slowly going backwards. I didn't feel unattractive at the time, but when I compare my photos from now to over a year ago, I realise that I wasn't the best version of myself. Corona also benefited me, of course, and I had a lot of time to look at myself.
I first discovered Christina on YouTube. At first it was just a video with 3 different exercises. As I like to apply false eyelashes, I realised that during the course of the day either my eyelid or the eyeshadow lingers on the eyeliner or eyelash glue. These exercises came in handy. I did them every day from then on. I watched more and more of Christina's videos, saved them and practised the lessons. I eventually subscribed to her on Instagram and so it started to become really intense and ultimately a lifestyle. I also changed my diet completely. I don't eat vegan but let's say 80% healthy/20% unhealthy (sometimes I do need a piece of chocolate), but the difference was also very soon recognisable. I soon ordered her book and since I've had it, you don't want to know what it's been like for about 9 months now. The book is as much a part of my daily routine as my morning coffee. I do my exercises regularly. I do Christina's exercises in the book every day and do a different one every day and then start all over again.
Yes, people smile at me, but I'm no longer interested. I would love to tell the world that Botox is the biggest poison for these young women and you can see again and again how unhappy these ladies become in old age and finally have to go under the knife because they have paralysed their muscles for years and thus created even more wrinkles and the like. Yes, it's practical, but it's not sustainable. What Christina does doesn't cost a lot of money, just a few initial purchases and, above all, it doesn't hurt (apart from the initial muscle soreness). I'm going to do this thing for as long as I can. I've become a yogi!!! I do exercises on the toilet at work and every minute I can think of. It's so much fun and a few weeks ago I had the real WOW effect when I looked at old photos from over a year ago when I hadn't started face yoga. I didn't think the difference was that noticeable as I look at myself in the mirror every day, but here it blew me away. I just thought to myself "that wasn't you, was it?"... You can see for yourself: I've lifted my eyelids with the eye and forehead exercises and no longer have any problems with my make-up. My eyes have grown bigger.

My cheekbones have always been very high but they are now so beautifully soft. My chin has also got a super nice soft line and my lips are so well shaped and I love them the most and I work on them every day. I am very proud of myself and I can only urge every lady not to give up. Take photos and then compare them, I did that too (but more by chance). Every minute of yogi training is worth it and I will soon be 42 years old. All the best and love,
Your Kerstin

Dear Christina,
thank you for your wonderful YouTube videos!
I only came across facial yoga last Sunday through your interview in the Self-Healing & Peace of Mind Congress. ... So I immediately tried out the few exercises you show on YouTube for frown lines, drooping eyelids, sagging cheeks and crow's feet. Yesterday, the 5th day I did the exercises, I already felt that my forehead, which I used to wrinkle a lot, felt different and no longer wrinkled easily. Even in the evening when I was tired! And when I looked in the mirror, totally tired, I saw a fresh face looking back at me I also noticed straight away that my eyes are actually much more open despite my drooping eyelids. It's a shame that I didn't take any before/after photos. I would never have thought that possible! Such huge effects after the 5th time of 'training'! My mum also noticed straight away "now I'm jealous" and she is now super motivated to start facial yoga again, which she tried a few years ago (not quite regularly).
It still feels a little unfamiliar because I always feel myself wanting to frown, but it's just exhausting and somehow doesn't work And if I wrinkle it really hard now, it looks completely different. Not just like wrinkled skin, but plumper, more muscular. I can already tell that it's going to take a while for my mind to take over the 'worry-free' signals from my body and stop trying to work against them
Thank you very much!
All my love,
Dear Christina,
I am very enthusiastic about your online facial programme. I also like the course because you have designed it clearly and it is not overloaded with unnecessary, time-consuming information.
I've been doing cupping and facial yoga for about a week now and am already enjoying the first results. But the best thing is that the practices are pleasant and can be easily integrated into a busy daily routine. I am particularly pleased with your selection of facial yoga exercises. I have tried various programmes in this area and found them all too time-consuming and I always had to struggle through them. Your programme is different. I do it twice a day and have even added two more exercises. Your programme has given me a real, everyday solution. Thank you very much for this.
Many greetings to Austria from Berlin,
Dear Christina,
My name is Juliane and I turned 44 this year. I tried Botox on my forehead for the first time last autumn because I was really unhappy with these wrinkles. After a few days, my forehead was as smooth as a baby's bum and I was thrilled at first. However, the Botox pushed my forehead completely down onto my eyebrows, which changed the way I looked. My partner and my sons kept asking me why I was looking so "evil" and I just thought: "I CAN'T look any differently. I can't move my eyebrows."
Mmmhhh. So one problem solved and a new one opened ;-).
After six months, everything was back to normal and I decided not to do the Botox again. Then I spoke to a work colleague who is older than me - but looks much younger - and asked her about her "secret" just for fun. And she got me thinking about facial yoga. Then I did a lot of googling and ended up on your YouTube channel.
I have now devoured both of your books and have been doing your online course for 11 days. My partner said to me yesterday that I look so fresh and well-rested. So very similar to what you wrote in your book. I just had to write you that as feedback. I've also sent you a before/after photo.
I am totally happy and motivated.
DAAAANKE. And best wishes from Berlin.
LG Juliane

Hello, dear Christina,
Many thanks again to you and your highly interesting course in Austria. I have already treated my clients with facial reflexology before and they are all delighted.
One evening, a general practitioner came to me for a facial treatment with massage. After the treatment, he told me that he had been suffering from severe migraines all day and that they had not gone away despite strong medication. He told me that after my facial reflexology massage the migraine was now completely gone and he felt totally relaxed and at ease. A doctor with headaches also confirmed this after the treatment, saying that she no longer had any pain. But I was also really impressed by your instructions for facial gymnastics. It's actually logical, you train every muscle in your body to stay fit, so the facial muscles should also be trained, with success!!!
I have been using cupping, an ancient method for the face and body, for a long time and it is very popular with customers. I personally prefer to do cupping with cupping cups instead of scraping.
Conclusion: To expand my knowledge, the journey from the Allgäu to you in Upper Austria was a very good decision, as I want to achieve more for my customers than just cosmetics with products. I can only recommend you!
You might want to pass on your knowledge to other beauticians at a Beauty Munich congress event.
Greetings from the Allgäu
Petra Bayer
Petra Bayer, Kosmetik Ambiente
Dear Christina,
After about 10 months of practising, cupping and scraping using your book and the online course, I would now like to take a moment to report on my successes.
I am now 50 years old. When I was around 45, I started to feel increasingly unhappy and sometimes ashamed of my increasingly tired and sagging face, nasobial folds, sagging cheeks, pronounced dark circles and bags under my eyes, as well as my sallow skin. I was often asked why I looked so tired. I was really suffering. When I was in need, I went to a cosmetic surgeon and had hyaluronic acid injected to combat the dark circles under my eyes. The result was severe puffiness and hardening that did not disappear for many weeks and more pronounced tear troughs than before the hyaluronic acid injection. As a result, I had nothing more done to my eyes.
About a year later, however, the pressure of suffering drove me to the surgeon twice more to have hyaluronic acid injected into my nasobial folds. The result wasn't bad, but of course it didn't last. I was never convinced by the injections and wondered what to do next. I couldn't and didn't want to imagine having hyaluronic acid injections every six months for the rest of my life, especially as the dark circles under my eyes were still pronounced and I just looked tired overall.
I've had your book at home for some time, but hadn't worked with it yet. At the beginning of this year, I was in rehab for a few weeks. I decided to use this time to try out your programme and worked on it every day - with really great results. My family was amazed when I came home from rehab. My son asked me where all the wrinkles around my eyes had gone
Of course, there are still plenty of creases and less attractive areas. But that's fine with me. Overall, I just feel really good again, my skin is fresher, dark circles are still there, but I'm happy for them to be there in this form :). My sagging cheeks and nasobial folds are only slightly more pronounced, the area around my mouth is nicer and overall I feel that my face has a nicer shape, I can't really describe it. The skin itself is also cleaner, fresher and feels firmer.
I am now often told that I look younger than 50. I only hear that I look tired when I really don't feel rested. Simply beautiful.
I didn't want to write that much. When I looked in the mirror, I just felt a spontaneous need to say thank you for your great work! I'm sure I'm far from being the only one you've helped with this suffering.
Best wishes and have a sunny weekend,