Fancy a really good life?
Do you finally want to be the woman you always wanted to be?
Then you've come to the right place!
I am Christina, 49, and with me you will find:
An innovative anti-ageing concept
Facial yoga
Far Eastern facial massages
Food for the soul
I named this page after my first book. It deserves that too!
After all, it has completely revolutionised the way I think about the rate at which I grow old and look old. Gua Sha, Dien Cham, Facial Cupping, Facial yoga - 10 years ago, these were all foreign words to me. Little by little I have acquired this valuable knowledge and skill and today I wouldn't want to do without any of these methods in my life! In this Blog and on my YouTube channel I share with you in part exclusive knowledge about health, you will find tips, information, inspiration and encouragement to take a new, different path through the ageing process. Here you will find articles and videos to help you lead a really good life into old age.
Known among others from:

The whole thing here started with the shock that I too am visibly getting older (no na, no idea what I was expecting). The second shock was listening to women around me talking about what they wanted to have "done" to themselves. Of course I wanted to look better again, but I knew that wasn't my way of dealing with my age.
But there was also something I hadn't expected - that the changes in my face would have such a negative effect on my sense of well-being and my expression. The morning swelling made me feel tired and heavy. The sagging features and the clearly visible frown lines gave me, the fun-loving person, a sad and angry expression. I could no longer hear the question "What's wrong with you?". I had nothing, I was in a good mood, but my face seemed to be moping. I didn't want to look like this.
I set out on a search. I am a professional kinesiologist, I know a lot about the body and have been working holistically on a psychological level for years. I would find something that
- I can apply myself
- has a holistic and sustainable effect
- can effectively reduce and prevent wrinkles
What I found exceeded my wildest expectations. I just wanted my face to look fresher again and not so sad, but I didn't expect wrinkles to disappear and me to have a new radiance. It makes me happy that there is a natural way, that you can do it yourself and that you are independent. And no, the solution is not expensive creams, interventions or any miracle cures.
The ageing process puts a strain on us because we feel much younger than we look. Because we have the legitimate desire that our face fits our young soul. I wanted something that would help. Something that I could use myself. Something that would re-energise my face. I have now passed this knowledge on to countless women through my book and my courses, and you can hear from some of them here.
And I really want to share this knowledge with you!
4 methods from the Far East that combat wrinkles where they occur - in the depths of the tissue. Only smearing, cutting and injecting is very superficial (and also unhealthy and expensive). Far Eastern methods are known for their holistic approach to problems. So it is hardly surprising that they also have a few solutions for this problem. Effective and sustainable solutions that combat the signs of ageing where they occur and not on the surface. That's brilliant. You can already see a difference after the first time. All 4 methods are suitable for self-application and I have described them in detail and illustrated them clearly.
Get to know me and the methods, watch the following video:
Did you know that women from Asia get their wrinkles on average 15 years later than we do in Europe? Their approach to skincare is completely different in many ways. What shocked me so much while researching was the fact that there are a few things a woman should simply know in order to be able to take good care of her skin. Just because something is recommended by all the media doesn't make it right. One little thing can do a lot of damage to your skin or make a world of difference to your complexion. I haven't stopped researching, and when I find out something interesting, I send it on to my girls straight away. Would you like to be part of it?
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Sign up for the newsletter and as Thank you you get the first Free video immediately. In it, you will learn a simple trick that Korean women use to ensure that their Skin soft, free from impurities and you Tunites radianceend remains. There are many good reasons why Asian women get wrinkles later than we do. This is one of them.
Disclaimer: Every body is individual and I can therefore accept no liability for the results. I continue to research and keep coming across very interesting content that I am happy to share with others. By submitting the form, you agree that I may send you this remarkable information, tips and tricks by email. Your data is safe with me, you can stop receiving it at any time and I adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation.
One was important to me during my research - my top priorities are always health and joie de vivre. The methods must be compatible with these values. I'm not a fan of the beauty craze. I also didn't want to stay on the surface, I wanted to work on the roots of the problem.
The 4 methods I describe in my book are so effective that I and countless other women have succeeded in correcting the signs of ageing - wrinkles, sagging eyelids, loose skin - and preventing them from appearing again. Because these methods are so successful, I have interviewed women who have taken my course. You can listen to what they have to say about the methods here.
These women will tell you about their experiences. →
No wonder so many women have written to me saying they would like to take part in a course and asking whether I would come to Germany, Switzerland, France or Holland. It's just very difficult for me as a mother of two, even though I love travelling. And so I came up with the idea of offering the course in the form of videos. I simply converted the book into 17 individual videos. Theory and practice separately, so that you can practise and massage along with the practical videos. So now it's possible for every woman, no matter where she is at home, to learn the methods conveniently and at a fair price!
Are you interested in the matter?
Read more details here about the possibilities I can offer you in this regard.
I am reaching out to more and more women and would be delighted if you would join us!