You are most beautiful when you are you (book)


Book "You are most beautiful when..."

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Description of the

Living femininity means, find your way back to your roots. Women should be thin but curvy, sexy but nice, demanding but sociable, there for everyone but independent. And all with ease and a smile. Many women try to please everyone and forget one thing in particular: itself.

Christina Schmid uses four personality types (air, water, fire, earth) to show how we can rediscover our feminine power and find our way back to the roots of our instinctive nature. Those who are at peace with themselves are also attractive and self-confident to others - and radiate from within.

Excerpt from Amazon reviews:

"I came across the book through one of the author's videos. As her authentic style has always appealed to me, I wanted to see what comes after "Qi instead of Botox". And I can only congratulate her. It's great that we get to read something like this. The authentic, direct and cheeky style really appealed to me. It can only be written by someone who has experienced it themselves. Kudos to the honesty in this book. I hope we hear a lot more from Mrs Schmid!" 5 stars

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