Chi instead of Botox (Book)


Book about 4 Far Eastern methods that make the face look years younger: Facial Yoga, Gua Sha, Facial Cupping and Dien Cham. Suitable for self-application.

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Description of the

Far Eastern methods are known for their holistic approach to problems and disorders of well-being. So it is hardly surprising that we also find very effective solutions for maintaining and regaining a more youthful appearance in the Far East. In "Chi instead of Botox Far Eastern methods presentedthat help to Reduce wrinkle depth, firm the tissue and tighten the facial contours. This makes the facial features appear more harmonious and the face years younger. These are Chinese Baguan Fa (cupping) and Gua Sha (scraping) Massages, the Vietnamese facial reflexology massage Dien Cham and Facial yoga with its firming and simultaneously relaxing effect. The degree of relaxation achieved in the face has a significant effect on relaxation in the rest of the body, as well as on our mood. The effect achieved with these methods goes far beyond just improving your appearance - all the methods described in the book are suitable for self-application and are described in detail and clearly illustrated.

You can find out more about the methods in this video from min. 1:33 (just click on it):
Chi instead of Botox - reduce wrinkles, tighten your face on your own

Bacopa Handels- & Kulturges.m.b.H. / Waidern 42 / 4521 Schiedlberg / Austria /
