Image source: will
Far too often we take things for granted and believe that's the way it is. That's how I felt years ago. I was almost 36, had frown lines and puffiness under my eyes. My face felt tired and heavy and it took me a while to feel really alert in the morning. I realised - I'm just getting older, that's the way it is. Especially when those around me felt the same way and some women already had a plan for what they were going to have "done" in the next few years.
But having something 'done' somehow goes against everything I stand for. I also thought at first that self-confident, strong women don't worry about their own appearance. What nonsense! Every woman should be allowed to have the look she feels comfortable with. Being self-confident is no reason to neglect your own body.
Getting older hurts.
What's more, getting older hurts. You look in the mirror and don't have the feeling that your body is dressing your soul appropriately. My soul didn't feel as old as the face smiling tiredly at me from the mirror. I felt disturbed in my general sense of well-being by this heaviness that was increasingly noticeable in my face. I wanted to know what was actually going on.
Of course, you can't stop ageing. That would be like trying to bring nature to a standstill. But I found 4 causes of ageing that you can do something about quickly and easily. And I was rewarded by seeing the vitality of my earlier years return to my face.
The frown lines disappeared and swelling? I don't know. I am now 42 years old and feel
better than 7 years ago (in this snapshot I'm without make-up - and you know how snapshots from below can look with bad light...). I think ageing in this way is just great. Despite the signs of age on my body, my face has a natural tension, vibrancy and energy. Unnecessary wrinkles don't even appear.
Surprise: it's not (just) about the skin
It is a big mistake to make the skin solely responsible for our appearance. You can grease it with whatever you like, your wrinkles will still wave happily at you from the mirror. The body is a finely tuned organism in which everything interlocks like cogwheels. So here are the 4 causes of facial ageing, 4 things that remain completely unaffected by your face cream and below you can read how you can get to grips with them:
The lymphatic system. How can the skin be smooth and even if the lymphatic fluid builds up underneath? The lymphatic system becomes sluggish over time. It moves even more slowly at night. That's why you look so puffy in the morning. If you don't do anything about it, these swellings become more pronounced.
How can the skin be firm if the Muscles sagging underneath? The facial muscles are what give your face its shape. If a sculptor carves a sagging face in the stone, it doesn't matter how he treats the surface, it remains a sagging face. (Thank goodness the correction here is not as laborious as on the rest of the body...)
Vessels. Over time, the blood vessels become less flexible and harder, they are no longer as effective, our skin is no longer supplied with nutrients as well and metabolic waste products are no longer removed as thoroughly. You can often see that facial skin in particular does not get enough oxygen and looks pale.
Yes, you can't see them, that's true. But they do exist, otherwise methods such as reflex massages and acupuncture would not work. And Vietnamese women who treat their bodies via reflex points on the face would not look 20 years younger. The fact that the supply of Energy Nobody will deny that you need a regular kick as you get older.
So these are the 4 magic points. A beautiful face has energy and tension. In order to build this up, it needs oxygen, a good transport system (blood vessels, lymphatic system) to absorb nutrients and remove waste products, it needs muscles and energy. Our body can do all this at a young age without any help from us. And from a certain age, it needs support.
Hello Christina! I have become very curious and definitely wanted to buy your book. I am 49 years old and am lucky enough to look younger. I wanted to preserve that for as long as possible. And my frown lines have been annoying me for a long time. I've been plagued by blemishes for some time and yesterday I was diagnosed with rosacea. I'm completely exhausted, I've seen terrible pictures on the internet and I should avoid everything that is anti-ageing. Also anything that promotes blood circulation. What can I do? I've always had beautiful skin and I'm really desperate!
Best regards!
Dear Judith,
The diagnosis of rosacea is certainly an invitation to deal with the condition of the body and especially the intestines. I can only recommend that you take a holistic approach. A good TCM therapist can probably be more helpful than conventional medicine.
Best wishes and all the best,
Dear Christina,
Is it possible to book a private lesson with you via a video call?
I would be very interested in it!
Kind regards,
Dear Andrea,
Unfortunately, there's no time at the moment. But there will be live courses again in autumn, maybe that's a good option?
Kind regards,