Facial yoga has been a part of my life for so long that I sometimes forget that others are not as familiar with it as I am. So it happens that I am asked the same question again and again when I have posted some facial yoga exercises. So here I explain the basics of this great method.
1 What is facial yoga?
Facial yoga is a method that trains the muscles of the face. This is very important because we lose 30 - 40% of muscle mass as we get older. That's a lot! Look at what gives your face the shape it has:
Image source: 123rf.com/Chastity
No cream in the world - and no Botox injection - can replace the loss of muscle mass and firmness. Only targeted exercises can do that.
I have good news for all sceptics: the positive effect of facial yoga has been scientifically confirmed. Why should it be important for the body to train its muscles and not for the face?
OÖN, 10 JANUARY 2018
2 What does facial yoga do?
Facial yoga tones the muscles. This means that the face regains more support. The forehead muscle is able to hold the eyebrows up, the upper eyelid therefore has sufficient space and is also tightened. This reduces sagging cheeks and prevents nasolabial and frown lines.
However, facial yoga also ensures that the muscles gain volume. As our subcutaneous fat decreases and the face loses substance, we try to grow the muscles so that the lost volume is replaced and the skin can tighten again.
Of course there are side effects. The intensive work of the tissue improves blood circulation and the supply to the skin. As our muscles are interconnected, facial yoga exercises have a very positive effect on the neck muscles. Jaw problems improve, tinnitus often disappears and the lymphatic system starts to move. Immediately after practising, the face appears firmer, more relaxed and better supplied with blood.
3. how often should you do facial yoga?
You can do facial yoga 5 to 6 times a week. The skin needs at least one day to recover. I personally do facial yoga from Monday to Friday and give my face a "day off" at the weekend.
I would advise you to do this moderately but regularly. Don't forget that this is a long-term project. If you set your goals too high, you'll soon give up in frustration.
Me about facial yoga for "healthier living". Click on the image to read the full article.
4. how long do you do the exercises?
I recommend 30 seconds per exercise.
I have in my Exercise programme 12 exercises - at least one for each part of the face, so that the whole face is thoroughly toned. This means that you only need 6 minutes for such a "workout".
Later, when you are more experienced, you can train for longer and do 45 or 60 seconds per exercise. This is particularly recommended for facial exercises that are of particular concern to you. For me, it was frown lines, which are now a thing of the past thanks to facial yoga. But that's exactly why I always practise the forehead exercises for longer than the other exercises.
You can find some of my exercises on my YouTube channel (Christina Schmid)
5 When should you do facial yoga?
I think the ideal time is first thing in the morning. Facial yoga cheers you up, drains blocked lymphatic fluid, opens your eyes beautifully and you need less make-up afterwards.
But basically you can do facial yoga at any time. The only time that is not so suitable is just before going to bed. Your face is energised after practising and you won't be able to sleep well.
I recommend that you always do facial yoga at the same time. I'll say it again - it's a long-term project. You have to train yourself to do it naturally at a certain time. So the ideal time for me personally is in the morning. That way it gets done straight away and I can put it out of my mind. Sometimes I do it in bed after waking up. It's a real help to get up.
If you want to see results quickly, you can of course practise twice a day. But as much as I can understand this ambition, I would ask you not to "bite" into certain areas of your face. Facial yoga doesn't remove every little wrinkle, but it does make your face blossom. And the newfound firmness and radiance will make the remaining wrinkles fade into the background.
So don't exercise against yourself, but for yourself. For a fit face and a good feeling. Love first!
If you are looking for a good facial yoga programme, I offer you in my book "Chi instead of Botox" several. You can also look in my Online course practise face to face with me. (Occasionally my book is out of print on Amazon - then you can order postage free to Germany and Austria from the publisher: https://www.bacopa.at/page/md3000003_35379.html)

You might also be interested in this article:
Facial yoga: 25 facts why it makes you look younger
Dear Christina
How many times a week can I do cupping? I now do everything, facial yoga, cupping and Gua Sha. What does your weekly schedule look like?
Thank you so much for all your wonderful tips. I love it...
Best regards Petra
Dear Petra,
sorry, I've only just discovered your message, I'm sorry about that!
Cupping can be done every other day. It is recommended 2 to 3 times a week. This means that the skin should always be given a day to recover.
Kind regards,
Hello Christina,
In the book you write that there should be no wrinkles during the exercises. But that's exactly what happens when I do the exercises with the pen; my upper lip in particular is totally wrinkled. I have the book and I have your video on sagging cheeks. Could I be doing something wrong?
When you practise putting the pen in your mouth and moving it up and down, do you also put it between your teeth or just between your lips?
I would be very happy to receive an answer, because I don't want to do the exercises any more because I feel insecure.
Dear Sybille,
If your skin is such that this exercise is not possible without wrinkling, don't do it. That's why I offer so many exercises in my book - you need a certain amount of choice, as not everything is always possible. So don't do it and choose another exercise.
And no, I don't hold the pen with my teeth, but only with my lips.
Kind regards,
Hello Christina,
I have experienced a great side effect of the exercises for sagging cheeks. I have had constant blockages in my upper cervicals and neck pain for years. So far, these have only been temporarily alleviated by osteopathy. I did your exercises for a fortnight .... and am completely free of pain!!!!!! Thank you very much for that!!!!
Best regards to Austria
Wow, thanks for your feedback, that's great! I'm really happy for you and with you!!! :))) You always experience little miracles here, that always inspires me too. :)) I wish you all the best and keep up the good work.
Best regards,
Hi Christina, thank you very much for all the valuable videos, they immediately helped me to improve my posture and my neck immediately became longer again and looks more youthful. However, do you have anything that helps with the transverse neck grooves and the turkey neck? I think a wrinkled, puffy neck makes us look much older than any wrinkle...and I'm now also tackling the sagging cheeks. The facial contour on the chin is the most important thing for me 🙂
Best regards from Gran Canaria 🙂
Dear Tam,
The neck is always included in most exercises. You can also feel this if you pay attention to it when exercising. Otherwise, I would try scraping the area directly under the chin and then the neck and also the décolleté.
Best regards,
Hello dear Christina. First of all - thank you for the fantastic book! Then I have a question about the two exercises against frown lines (unfortunately I have three of them). You say you should always do both - unfortunately I have the feeling that my wrinkles are worse after the first exercise 🙁 What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance! Best regards, Bärbel
Dear Bärbel,
First of all - work gently. Pulsing the muscle is enough, ambition is out of place here.
Do the exercise dynamically - i.e. do not hold, but alternate between tensing and relaxing. Concentrate on thoroughly relaxing the muscle.
The principle is similar to when you have neck tension. You pull your shoulders up and then let them drop down loosely. You circle your shoulders. This relaxes the muscles, although it tenses them briefly at first. You have to bring in movement to release the chronic tension.
So concentrate on relaxing after a short period of tension.
After the exercise, you can take your eyebrows between your thumb and index finger and pinch them hard for a short time.
Best regards,
Dear Christina
First of all, thank you very much for all your great videos and valuable information that you always provide us with so much love and passion! Chi instead of Botox is not only good for the face, but also for the soul 🙂
My question: in several exercises you are supposed to form an A with your mouth in the starting position and then pull your lips over your teeth (e.g. in the exercise against sagging cheeks). However, this causes noticeable wrinkles at the corners of my mouth, which are already my weak points. Should I do the exercises anyway?
Thank you very much for your answer and I wish you continued joy and success!
Best regards
Dear Yvi,
Thank you for your kind words 🙂
Every face is individual and we always try to avoid wrinkles. If this is the case for you, don't tense up and just try to pull your upper lip downwards. This creates the necessary tension for the exercise without creating wrinkles.
Best regards,
Hello dear Christina!
I have a question! How many weeks or months do you have to do the exercises?
To see a positive success. I was born in 1956.
A kind greeting
Petra Indenbirken
Dear Petra,
That is very individual. I would almost say regardless of age, it depends more on everyday facial expressions, the condition of the tissue and lifestyle. However, I have also had an 80-year-old client who was happy with the result after a week, while more stubborn cases took 3 months. ????♀️ It is almost impossible to answer this question. However, most people notice changes after 3 weeks or receive their first compliments from those around them.
Best regards,