Small dots - big effect

Dien Cham is a Vietnamese facial reflex massage. Just as we massage the soles of the feet to do something good for the body, points on the face are massaged in Vietnam. This has a great benefit for the appearance, as the face is always well energised. Every little massage not only helps the body, but also combats wrinkles. In my Book and Course I dedicate an entire chapter to this exciting method with detailed instructions.

In the course I will teach you the massage that helps against wrinkles and energises the face. Today I would like to show you a few points that help against typical women's complaints - in the Menopause and during the Rule. I myself like to use Dien Cham for complaints and can only warmly recommend it. I only ever recommend what has worked well and what I would recommend to any friend.

How to massage

You look for the point after the illustration. The lines will give you a bit of orientation. Grab a pencil, a crochet hook or a normal hair clip as in the picture, using the round end of course. If you have a massage pen or a TCM pen at home, all the better. But it's not necessary. You can achieve the same pressure with a hair clip like this as with a Dien-Cham pen. So you look for where the point might be and apply a little pressure to the area around your face. You will know exactly when you have found it - because it hurts. If you have searched the whole area and have not found a painful point, it is sufficient to massage this point a little with your finger. A painful point, on the other hand, needs to be massaged properly - massage it for about 10 seconds with small circular movements.

Points against the hormonal evil

Yes, we women don't have it easy. Here and there it can feel as if we are a plaything of our hormones. All the better if there are ways and means of achieving a certain degree of balance on this level.


The following points are recommended for the period of hormonal change, i.e. for complaints such as hot flushes, irritability, depression, etc:

7, 85, 87, 127, 156, 0

Painful rule

Two different point sequences are recommended here, try out which works better for you or you can alternate between them:

127, 156, 63, 7, 61, 1, 50, 37, 0

37, 7, 113, 0

Rule too strong

If the bleeding is too heavy, the following points are recommended several times a day:

16, 103, 50, 37, 287, 7, 127, 1, 0

Regular irregular

124, 37, 26, 63, 50, 7, 0

If the points do not bring the desired regularity, the following points should also be applied:

124, 34, 8, 0

The zero at the end

Point 0 is stimulated by placing the index finger behind the ear and the remaining fingers in front of the ear. Then rub vigorously up and down a few times. This point ensures that the energy brought into motion is harmonised and you can therefore do nothing wrong, as any error is corrected by the zero point at the end.

Thank you, Dien Cham!

Dien Cham is a wonderful method that I can only recommend to you. If you would like to learn more about it, why not get my video course - you will not only learn about Dien Cham, but also about 3 other methods that will restore a good deal of youthfulness to your face, Click HERE!

Perhaps you would also like to attend a live course, take a look at the dates here: Click dates

You can also find a very interesting article about Dien Cham here: Dien Chan and the secret of youth: Dr Ngoc Levan tells the story


Source: Schmid: Chi instead of Botox. Far Eastern secrets for reducing wrinkles and tightening facial skin.

Muller, Le Quang: The art of Far Eastern facial massage