Image source: /Mesan Edoh 

This article may look like a women's topic at first - it is, but not entirely. Men should read further down, as they are not quite as progesterone-free as they might think 😉.

Breast tenderness, water retention, infertility...

... increased risk of miscarriage, irregular and/or too early periods, menstrual pain, acne, increased risk of breast and uterine cancer, thyroid disorders. These are just some of the symptoms that can be caused by low progesterone levels. But there is more. A progesterone deficiency can also lead to mood swings, sleep disorders, restlessness, irritability and even aggression, anxiety and depression. Interested?

A woman's progesterone level begins to fall at around 35 years of age, sometimes even earlier. As there are now good herbal progesterone creams that cannot be overdosed, at least moderate support with natural (!!! not artificial!!! there is a world of difference) progesterone is generally recommended from the age of 35. Anyone suffering from one of the symptoms mentioned above should take a closer look at this topic, as the deficiency could be severe and an appropriate dosage can increase the quality of life immensely.

PMS - for 2 weeks?!

Premenstrual syndrome usually occurs 3 days before your period. At a young age. The older we get, the less progesterone is produced, which can lead to 2 weeks of mood swings, spotting, irritability and anxiety. Now it becomes clear why progesterone is also known as the "happiness hormone". A balanced hormone level ensures greater balance and satisfaction. Considering that the herbal progesterone cream has no side effects, that sounds pretty good.

Get pregnant, stay pregnant

More and more women are deciding to have children a little later. And more and more are realising that it may not have been such a good idea to wait so long, because things often don't work out the way they had imagined. One of the reasons for this could be falling progesterone levels. Progesterone plays a significant role in ensuring that a pregnancy can develop, that there is no premature termination, promotes the development of the embryo and protects it from birth defects.

Hormones - yes, but please natural

Many people have realised that hormone therapy has fallen into disrepute, and I think quite rightly so. It would go beyond the scope of this article if I were to go into the production of artificial hormones, but I will say this much: there is a wonderful alternative, and it is called natural or plant-based hormones. These are, as the name suggests, identical to those that the body actually needs. They are usually recommended in the form of an ointment and are easily absorbed through the skin. The best thing to do is to take a blood or saliva test, have your own hormone status determined and apply the appropriate cream. However, some research is necessary here, as not all gynaecologists are familiar with the subject (when you consider how the quality of life can be improved by something like this, it is almost unbelievable that not all gynaecologists are familiar with the subject). You can also buy a saliva test online and you can order progesterone cream from Biovea without a prescription. Natural progesterone is extracted from wild yam, and some experts categorise it as a near-food supplement.

Men and progesterone

Men also produce progesterone in their bodies, which is responsible for maintaining the natural balance between oestrogen and testosterone. The biggest hormonal problem for men in middle and later years is the insufficient production of testosterone. And this is precisely where progesterone can help, delaying the processes of degradation (tiredness, declining libido, problems with the prostate, etc.). While it is almost impossible for a woman to overdose, a hormone test is strongly recommended for men before taking it, as is ensuring a good dosage.