
With this title, I would like to carefully approach a topic that is generally known but not popular. It would be a shame if you didn't read to the end because it doesn't seem feasible to you. What would you say if I offered you an anti-ageing tip that not only costs nothing, but even saves you money and is at the top end of the anti-ageing scale in terms of effectiveness? There aren't too many of those, and I'm talking about dinner cancelling here.

Leave the dinner to your enemies

It's worth at least giving it a try, as the results are visible the very next day. The morning after a cancelled dinner, the face looks much firmer and without unnecessary puffiness. It is even more worthwhile to make it a habit. Although there is a lot of resistance at the beginning - we are indescribably attached to our food and eating habits - one day you won't be able to imagine it any other way.

Why my enemies and not me

Yes, why does this Chinese proverb talk about enemies? Because food has to be metabolised. And metabolism produces waste products. This means that the more we eat, the more free radicals are produced in our bodies. Unfortunately, the ageing body is no longer as capable of dealing with these as it used to be, which is something I am also aware of. here have written. There are already countless studies that prove that so-called caloric restriction, i.e. limiting energy intake through food, is a benefit to the body that money cannot buy. It extends our lifespan as well as our functional lifespan, i.e. the time in which our strength and health are still available to us.

Why the dinner

Because skipping exactly this meal is the greatest benefit for the body. This is due to the increased release of the hormones melatonin (one of my favourite hormones) and somatotropin. Both are produced to a greater extent when the available calories decrease, and the entire hormonal system is harmonised. And we have already learnt one thing - hormones are the little bosses at the levers of the speed of ageing.


Oh, dear melatonin, it will soon have its own article here. It ensures a good night's sleep. This means that it ensures that we fall asleep and stay asleep and wake up refreshed (!). When you jump out of bed refreshed and fit in the morning, shout "Thank you, melatonin!". And don't laugh. Because while you were asleep, the melatonin has ensured that your body temperature has dropped so that the cells can carry out their repair work. Something immensely important is happening here. People who have died from infectious diseases, as well as people who have been diagnosed with cancer, have a much too low melatonin level. Melatonin is thought to be one of the most effective antioxidants - and the body produces it itself, isn't that brilliant? Unfortunately, its level also decreases with age, but we can give it a helping hand with dinner cancelling.


Somatotropin is a growth hormone and, contrary to what its name suggests, is also extremely important for adults (and the ageing population). For years, rich people from the USA have been flying to Mexico to get their quarterly ration of growth hormone for a few thousand dollars. (These are the people who, when asked about their youthful appearance in interviews, innocently shrug their shoulders and tweet that they just enjoy life and drink lots of water, the bastards!) The hormone simply prevents countless degenerative processes. Have you noticed that as you get older, your body develops a nasty habit of storing fat? Thank you, declining somatotropin levels....

And what does that look like in concrete terms?

It is recommended that you fast for 14 hours. This means that if you have breakfast at 7am, you should eat your last meal at 5pm. But this is actually the light version. There are studies that describe a daily 16-hour fast as ideal, which means 8 hours of eating, 16 hours of fasting.

Once again - what does this look like in concrete terms? This time for mere mortals

It would be a mistake to say I'll never manage it, so I might as well leave it alone. Every day counts. See how that suits you. I know from my own experience that there are times when you're highly motivated and there are times when I only ask myself to do this twice a week because I can't manage it more often. Eating has a lot of strong psychological components that you have to think about. In the evening, everyone comes together and eats together. Our family also comes together every evening, only my husband and I have a cup of tea in front of us while our children eat - when they eat. Sometimes they say they're not hungry and we don't force them to eat. We have a huge couch, so sometimes they lounge around instead of eating. There are many ways to connect. Not eating also requires a strengthening of the psyche. At such times, we realise more intensely than usual how much food is a crutch that helps us not to feel some things.

I also notice one thing - if my last meal was sweet, I'm more likely to have a craving in the evening or at night than if my last meal was balanced. The sugar causes the blood sugar level to shoot up and then drop rapidly, resulting in a craving attack. Some people recommend having a piece of chocolate or a spoonful of honey before going to bed. I can't quite understand this, but see for yourself how it works for you.

I can tell you that once you've got used to only drinking in the evening and wake up feeling well rested, it feels like rape when you suddenly have to eat something in the evening. It's an infinitely pleasant body sensation!

After this article, I am particularly looking forward to your experiences, questions and advice. Thank you for the great emails that keep coming in and I would like to invite you to share your experiences here. You are giving others the opportunity to benefit from your experience!