5 good reasons to celebrate!!!
by Christina | Sep 18, 2018 | Blog |
We all work hard and a lot, and when our work bears fruit, we should take the time for a little celebration. So today I cordially invite you to rejoice with me!
1. the 5th edition in only 4 years!
Unbelievable but true - only four years after the first edition of my book "Chi statt Botox", the 5th edition has just arrived hot off the press. This is a marvellous success! I am so pleased about the growing community of women for whom the Chi instead of Botox methods have long since become part of their daily skincare ritual. The world is changing and awareness of how we treat our own bodies is growing. That also makes me extremely happy. More and more women are looking for natural methods to preserve their beauty in a natural way. And the methods described in my book are ideal for this, as some scientific studies have now proven.
I have incorporated my experience from my countless courses into this edition. So there are small changes. For those who have one of the older editions, don't worry, I report on everything worth mentioning in my newsletters and on my blog. If you have signed up for the newsletter, you will always have the latest information.
2. a nice article about Chi instead of Botox
I am also pleased about a very nice article that appeared recently. For the first time, I had the feeling that the holistic concept was understood. This is certainly also due to the journalist Constanze Schmidt, who is a Shiatsu practitioner herself and has a deeper understanding of these processes.
If you click on the picture, you can read the article.
3. me at the Karlich Show
Whether this is a reason to celebrate will only become clear on 24 September, when the show is broadcast. It was much harder to make it clear who I am and what I stand for. I had the impression that they just wanted me to perform a few funny facial yoga grimaces, which I didn't feel comfortable with. I didn't want to be reduced to that and so my time was cut short. What the heck. It was still fun and I met some interesting people. Including a couple - also guests on the programme - who described themselves as ageless and said a few things about ageing that spoke to me from the heart. So the programme is worth watching despite some real low-flyers (sorry, but see for yourself).

Then I got a call from the boss asking me to be available for a short advert. I did, even though the programme isn't really about what I'm announcing here. A big institution, big chaos. But also a lot of fun.
4 I am not alone
Following the successful cooperation with TCM nutrition expert Ursula Peer, with whom I have worked together on two „Chi & Detox instead of Botox" weeks on Mallorca I have realised that her skills and mine complement each other perfectly. The satisfaction of the participants proves us right. There are only a few places left for next year, the concept is really good and the plan is working. Being beautiful and healthy inside and out, combining a holiday with real relaxation, is a gift that the participants give themselves on Mallorca.
Who Day courses now has a wider choice. In addition to the courses at the BACOPA TCM training centre, I am now offering a course almost every month at Pollheim Castle in Wels, where I am assisted by the renowned TCM beautician and therapist Franziska Schmidinger. In addition to these courses, you also have the option of booking a half-day refresher course if you would like to go through the methods with me again or discuss questions that usually only arise at home.
5. YOU!
Yes, my dear readers, you are the greatest joy in my life as an author and blogger! Thank you so much for your emails, photos and testimonials. And I love receiving letters from Chi-Stat Botox users who take such noticeable pleasure in their appearance and confidently write to me: "I am so beautiful!" YES, my dears, you are sooo beautiful! As beautiful as women who take vivid pleasure in themselves are. As beautiful as no botox or lifting can make you. You can't fake vitality and that's a good thing.
I wish for all of us the possibility of a powerful woman's life. I hope that we will soon be able to say "No!" very loudly to all those out there who think they know how we should be, what we should do and what we should look like. I hope that we can confidently live our feminine power in all its facets. That we are able to stand up like Greek goddesses and say directly what we want. But above all, that our femininity doesn't stress us out, but that we learn to enjoy it!