An Austrian broadcaster is encouraging young women to give themselves and their mothers new breasts for Mother's Day. The campaign is called "Tutti Kompletti". Presumably, a woman is only complete with silicone breasts.
I have been trying to help women achieve healthy self-esteem for years. I find it very worrying that surgical procedures are being sold to us as something harmless and that women are being put under pressure. Now the radio station Kronehit is running this sick campaign. They are encouraging young women to give themselves and their mum a breast operation for Mother's Day and are giving away 5,000 euros for this purpose. I find that outrageous. Firstly, for me this is the height of trivialisation, as if it were a kind of manicure that you can just have done in between and secondly, the subject of beauty has no place in the relationship between mother and child.
I have created this video in response. There needs to be a dissenting voice to this all-pervasive pressure that is put on women. Of course we want to look good. But there are healthy ways to be attractive. Take a look around my site. If you would like to be regularly informed about similar tips, tricks and methods, sign up to my Newsletter in.