How to do cupping and scraping correctly
by Christina | Apr 25, 2017 | Blog |
You know by now that Cupping and Cockroaches are massage techniques that help the faceto get rid of unsightly puffiness, reduce wrinkles and produce more collagen and elastin again (for the newbies among you, take a look here at my page um).
Again and again I get the question of whether scraping and cupping should only be used twice a week or twice cupping and twice scraping.
So actually 2 treatments together This means either 2x cupping or 2x scraping or 1x cupping and 1x scraping. BUT. Every skin is different. Some women use the massages almost every day and are delighted. It is also true that cupping and scraping is best done in the evening, but I know many women who do it in the morning because it makes their skin beautiful, they need less make-up and they look good all day long. And they seem to do well with it. I would still recommend that you not exclusively so to make. It is good for the skin if it can recover well overnight afterwards.
But experience shows that you don't have to take such a narrow view. The skin is very individual and I would recommend experimenting carefully. It also makes a difference whether you scrape or cup intensively or rather gently. The skin can certainly tolerate gentler cupping and scraping more often.
I'm always happy to hear about your experiences and questions, and if you don't have one yet but would like to, you can register for the Newsletter and as a thank you you can watch a short video about an ingenious product that Korean women use in their skincare routine.
I came across your site by chance today and was totally thrilled straight away.
Where can I get this face scraper, cupping glass and TCM massage stick?
Do you also give lectures in Austria?
Kind regards Cindy
Dear Cindy
You can now order all of this in our online shop:
Due to the corona crisis, we will have to wait and see when it will be possible to hold lectures again. In any case, here are the planned dates:
All my love,
Hello, I bought your book and am really impressed. Unfortunately, I don't really understand what is meant by 'cutting folds' in the book. Is there a video on this somewhere?
Thank you very much!
Dear Judith,
It is as if you want to "open" the fold. You place the scraper in the crease and push it apart, moving it across the crease. If you do this with the frown line, for example, you move it to the right and left. Intensively and therefore only briefly - up to 5 times back and forth.
Best regards,
Dear Christina,
I would like to order scrapers, cuppers, collagen powder etc. Unfortunately I am not able to register as a customer in your Where can I do this on your shop page?
I can't log in with the user name and password if I haven't logged in BEFOREhand.
registered with you in the shop. Then of course BENUTZERNAME UNKNOWN appears. I really hope that you will answer me.
from the outskirts of Hamburg
Hi my dear,
You do not have to register in our shop. Put what you want into the shopping basket and your details (i.e. address and payment method) will be requested at the end. When you have everything you need, click on the shopping basket, scroll down a little and click on "Continue to checkout". Enter your address etc. and you're done 🙂
Kind regards,
Dear Christina, I am totally enthusiastic about your book, it is very informative and you can easily understand and implement what is written. I alternate between the different facial massages every day. I also do a lot of facial yoga.
I think that my face has changed in my favour in the last 3 months. I am now 60 years old and have always taken good care of myself. Nevertheless
the desired success did not materialise. Today I can say that your book has really helped me.
If possible, I have 2 more questions. Can I use pure handmade shea butter for scraping, cupping and energy massages with the 100% roller and then use my aloe vera mask? Furthermore, after the treatment I always feel a
I have a prolonged tingling sensation under my skin, is this normal? Thank you very much for your help and the great information in your book. Kind regards Judit
Dear Judit,
Thank you for your kind feedback, I am pleased that you can use the book so well for yourself.
A slight tingling sensation is normal, the skin and fascia are working, and that's what we want. It can sometimes feel like this and then again not, depending on the condition of the tissue at the time.
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with shea butter, so I can't answer this question for you. But if you apply an aloe vera mask afterwards, which is presumably about moisturising, I would recommend that you cleanse your skin well again after the massage, as otherwise the moisture cannot penetrate the skin due to the oil in the shea butter. Simply cleanse again with your facial soap or whatever you are using and then you can make better use of the mask.
Best regards,
Dear Christina
I came across your website a fortnight ago! I now do facial yoga every day, I'm thrilled and will also buy your book!
My question: Can I also use cupping for couperose? Where can I order or buy your products from Switzerland? Thank you!
Kind regards
Dear Gabriella,
From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, couperose can be favoured by congestion in the face. As facial cupping has a decongestant effect, you can
cupping, but please note the following: The affected areas should never be cupped. Cupping should primarily be applied to the neck and décolleté, provided there are no rosacea problems. In the décolleté, cup from the centre outwards to the armpits. This ensures that the pressure on the blood vessels in the face is reduced. On the face, again only cup the areas that are not affected, for example the forehead or chin. Cupping only gently. This is another way to relieve pressure on affected areas.
We also deliver to Switzerland - so you are welcome to order the products from us if you wish: (You will also find an explanatory video for the individual scrapers and cuppers in the shop so that you can make a better decision)
Best regards,
Dear Christina
Found your channel a fortnight ago! I am thrilled! I have mild couperose can I still do cupping? Thank you!
Kind regards
Dear Christina
I bought your online course this week and would now like to buy the necessary equipment from your shop. I'm not sure which cuppers are best for my purposes. I don't want to have too many at home because I'm generally careful not to have too much stuff, but to have suitable and high-quality things. I would like to have a cupper for the face and for smaller areas (hands, joints etc.) and one for the body (legs, bottom, stomach, neck, back...).
Would you rather recommend the small Bella Bambi Trio in three strengths also for the body or would you prefer the gentle small Bella Bambi for the face and small areas and the larger one for the body?
My basic equipment would then be the two fish scrapers and two or three cuppers. That should be enough, right?
Thank you for all your tips!
Dear Christina,
I've had your online course since this weekend and I'm already looking forward to getting started.
As I try to be very careful when buying things so as not to have too much stuff but really high-quality utensils that I actually use, I wanted to ask again what you recommend for the cuppers if you want to cup parts of the face (I also have slight red veins on my cheeks and nose from couperose and would therefore only cup the forehead, chin, neck and décolleté) but also like to cup the body (stomach, legs, bottom, neck). Should I use the small Bella Bambi and the large one or is the trio of small Bella Bambis also suitable for the body?
I would start with the horn scrapers and the two or three Bella Bambis, that's enough basic equipment, isn't it?
Much love and thanks for your tips!
Dear Sarah,
In this case, I would recommend the small yellow Bella Bambi and the purple Bella Bambi for the body. Together with the horn scrapers, you will be well equipped. I wish you lots of fun with the course, best wishes,
Dear Christina,
Thank you very much! Then we can get started 🙂
All my love,
Dear Christina,
I bought your online course and I have to say it's definitely worth it. But what isn't mentioned anywhere is exfoliation? Should you exfoliate your facial skin or do you not need to? And what I also wanted to know is why I shouldn't take your kelp capsules if I have Hashimoto's?
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards Sandra
Dear Sandra,
Thank you for your kind words. Exfoliation is not addressed as I do not offer cosmetic advice. You have to look at the condition of your own skin or have it looked at. In principle, it is important to remove the dead skin cells, but I personally only do it if I can't get to scraping or cupping for some reason. I have the feeling that the massages do a good job here, especially cupping with the Bella Bambi cuppers, which have a peeling edge.
With Hashimoto's, the thyroid gland is overloaded with iodine. This creates a difficult situation, as iodine is also needed elsewhere in the body, e.g. in breast tissue, but according to doctors it should not be taken in order to protect the thyroid gland. However, there has long been another opinion on this, and I can warmly recommend this book to you:
Best regards,
Hello dear Christina. First of all, thank you very much for your great books! Unfortunately, my skin is already quite withered, so I can only do stationary cupping. I have a question about this - I know that you should only leave the cupping sponge in place for 2 seconds, but how many times in a row do you cup a sheet? Thank you very much in advance! Kind regards Bärbel
Dear Bärbel,
4-5 times if you feel that your skin tolerates it well, even more often. It should be well supplied with blood and warm.
Kind regards,
Dear Christina,
I bought your book Chi instead of Botox. I do facial yoga almost every day. I bought the scrapers in your online shop. Unfortunately, your book doesn't describe which side you should use for scraping. Can you help me? Unfortunately, I can't find the short video that is intended for scraping. Best regards Sieglinde
Dear Sieglinde,
cockroach with the long side without prongs. ????
Best regards,
Dear Christina,
I'm sorry, but I forgot to ask something I have to use oil at all for stationary cupping or can I do it without?
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards Bärbel
Dear Bärbel,
Stationary cupping also works without oil.
Kind regards,
Hello Christina, I discovered your videos on YouTube by chance today and I am totally thrilled!
I always used bright red lipstick until I was 58 years old.
Unfortunately, my upper lip is no longer as plump and the additional upper lip lines make me totally sad. Goodbye red lipstick!!!
In addition, rosacea has also developed in the last few years.
even more attenuated form !
But sometimes I have inflammations that last two to three weeks! I am now 66 years young! I have always had problem skin with large pores and acne during puberty!!!
Can I use all your self-massage tips for this skin problem?
I've had a look round your shop now and would be interested in some things!
Unfortunately, I can't find a suitable payment option for me!
Is there a solution?!
Dear Conny,
Unfortunately, I can't give you any advice as I'm not a dermatologist. You have to take your skin into consideration. For some rosacea sufferers, it works well to massage around the affected areas, or on the neck and nape of the neck, so that the congestion can drain away. But as I said, you need to discuss this with a dermatologist.
We offer many payment options in the shop - direct bank transfer, PayPal, credit card and AmazonPay. Please be so kind and choose one of them, we do not accept orders outside the shop.
Best regards,
Hello dear Christina. First of all, thank you very much for your great books and videos! ???? Then I have one more question...unfortunately I have very pronounced lip wrinkles, especially on my upper lip. They make me look so terribly old ????Does cupping or scraping make more sense and can I make them worse in the worst case? A huge THANK YOU in advance! Best regards Bärbel
Dear Bärbel,
Of course, collagen degradation is also to blame for lip wrinkles, but there are two points where you can start and achieve good improvements. The first is facial yoga to replace the lost volume by building muscle and the second is to release the tension in this area. The best way to do this is with the 1 cm diameter cupping cup ( ) Here you cup above the lips from the centre outwards while placing a finger on the centre to give the skin support.
Best regards,
Dear Christina,
Thank you for your quick reply!
I've just bought your online course and hope that I can use it to make a bit of a difference ☺️???? A quick word about the lip wrinkles... can I make things worse by cupping or scraping? Kind regards Bärbel
Dear Bärbel,
Used correctly, nothing can be made worse.
Kind regards,