The thyroid gland is an organ whose size should not deceive us. This small organ has big tasks to fulfil. Our well-being, health, beauty and fertility depend on its performance. I wrote about this in this article written.

Today I would like to show you ways in which you can support your thyroid gland. Here you can read about what it likes and what it can't stand. This way you can contribute to the health of your power organ yourself:

1. nutrition and dietary supplements


The most important issue here is, of course, iodine intake. Iodine deficiency is widespread in our latitudes. The fact that the majority of us don't walk around with a goitre is only thanks to our extra iodised salt. This is an attempt to provide the population with at least a makeshift supply of iodine. People who eat ready-made products and sausages have an advantage in this area, as iodised salt is also used here. This is actually a sad truth.

Vegetarians and vegans are also at a disadvantage and should pay sufficient attention to this issue, as iodine is hardly found in plants, or only in very small quantities, whereas it is found in meat and dairy products. Nevertheless, the normal requirement for iodine can hardly be covered by diet.

IMPORTANT: not everyone should take iodine supplements without restraint. The equation is not "the more iodine, the healthier the thyroid". People with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, i.e. an autoimmune thyroid disease, and people with hyperthyroidism must be careful! Careful handling of iodine is very important here. For everyone else, however, i.e. the majority of us, it is important to find a way to get enough iodine.

After my last article some people have approached me and told me that they have been diagnosed with mild hypofunction that does not require treatment. The doctors Rüdiger and Simone Homm (see source below) criticise this approach, because if a hypofunction is indicated with our already very laxly set normal value, it is high time to act. It is to be feared that most cases unfortunately remain undetected anyway. As I said, I have already written about the reasons for this and the symptoms of hypothyroidism. in my last article written.

A good iodine supply is extremely important in the case of hypothyroidism. But iodine is a vital element not only for hypothyroidism, but also for a healthy thyroid gland. Since, as already mentioned, our soils contain hardly any iodine, we are basically dependent on additional sources of iodine. That is why it has been decided to add iodine to our table salt. However, health-conscious people in particular prefer to use healthier salts and this strategy no longer works.

Ways to supply yourself with iodine:

  • Regular consumption of sea fish

  • Iodised table salt

  • Dairy and meat products

Apart from the fish and occasional meat, I personally find little that appeals here. Like many other people, I prefer to use full-flavoured salt and therefore unfortunately do without this iodine supplement. Sea salt only contains very small amounts of iodine, even if you would think otherwise. So it happened to me last year that I suddenly suffered from tiredness and started to put on weight. Not a big problem with my weight, it was just disconcerting to feel that my body was somehow functioning differently. That something wasn't right. I was suddenly a slower version of myself and had hardly any energy.


I am Kinesiologist and therefore have the opportunity to test myself to a certain extent. It tested iodine with tyrosine. Then I realised what was going on. However, I didn't want to take iodine as these capsules were very high-dose. I've always had a fast metabolism and was genetically more likely to inherit hyperthyroidism. That changed completely after I turned 40. Age changes our bodies. Nevertheless, I didn't want to take these amounts of iodine.

After an interesting conversation with a pharmacist, I decided in favour of these drops (available in the pharmacy):

Algae contain useful amounts of iodine, depending on the type. I felt a clear improvement after just the first day of taking it. I was really surprised by this rapid effect. I only took the drops for a fortnight because I felt better quite quickly. After that I switched to Spirulina switched:

This algae powder is very good for my digestion, although it is not intended for digestive problems. Apart from iodine, it contains a high amount of protein and lots of vitamins and minerals, which will be discussed below.

Also recommended because of their iodine content Nori seaweed. I have these at home in the form of flakes and use them almost everywhere that salt goes. This is my own way of iodising my salt... These are ways in which it is almost impossible to overdose. The iodine content of algae varies quite a lot and there are types of algae that contain significantly more iodine, so it is easy to overdose and cause unnecessary damage to the thyroid gland. One Miso soup and there is also harmless and if you want a higher iodine concentration, it is perhaps best to use Capsules. But I would prefer to talk to your doctor first.


Substances that keep the thyroid gland in balance:

  • Iron

  • Selenium: at least 200 µg is recommended for autoimmune disorders; selenium deficiency alone can lead to hypofunction

  • Zinc: 10 - 30mg; increases thyroid hormone production and effect; is generally important for a balanced hormone system

  • Magnesium: 400 to 1000mg;

  • Vitamins B6, B12, C and D

Here I would like to refer again to Spirulina as it contains many of these substances. I am really enthusiastic about this powder. As many of us have a protein deficiency, I am also pleased with the high plant protein content that spirulina offers.


2. lifestyle



Stress and lack of sleep are not good for the thyroid. As we hear this too often, we don't take it very seriously - who doesn't have stress? I'll repeat it anyway, because these two factors upset the entire hormone balance. Stress kills hormones. A lack of sleep has a considerable effect on the hormone balance and the thyroid gland. Relaxation and a good night's sleep are the cheapest and easiest ways to achieve hormonal balance.


Exposure to mercury, cadmium and lead leads to thyroid disorders. Just like nitrates and plasticisers in plastics.


The following medications impair thyroid function: beta-blockers, lithium, antidepressants, epilepsy drugs, anticoagulants, antiarrhythmics, anti-inflammatory drugs (cortisone preparations).


Huh? Never heard of it, right? HPU is a metabolic disorder in which zinc, vitamin B6, manganese and magnesium are insufficiently absorbed by the body. It mainly affects women and not just a few of them. Largely unknown and underestimated by conventional doctors, this can have serious long-term consequences. After all, zinc and vitamin B6 are among the substances that the thyroid gland - like the rest of the hormone system - urgently needs. There is an online test here that you can use to find out whether you could be affected:

The test cannot be linked directly, so go to the page, click on "HPU and HPU test" at the top left, then click on the link "Questionnaire" in the text.


3rd Dien Cham


For those who have read my "Chi instead of Botox"methods, this is nothing new. Organs can be reached and influenced via reflex points on the face, while wrinkles are reduced and the facial skin receives an energy boost as a side effect.

Here are points for the regulation of the thyroid gland. They are generally supportive points, so they can be used for all thyroid disorders without risk:

  • Option 1: 7, 8, 14, 39, 100, 0

  • Option 2: 14, 15, 26, 8, 20, 0

At point "0", place the middle finger in front of the ear, the index finger behind the ear and rub vigorously up and down a few times.

The recommendation is to massage several times a day. Find out which series of points suits you better, you can also alternate between them.

With the Hypofunction you can add the following points:

15, 127, 19, 103, 126

These are energising points, but you should not stimulate them if you are pregnant or have high blood pressure.


I have already written about the thyroid gland: How to recognise whether your thyroid is OK.

I also have an article about Dien Cham: Dien Cham points for a better hormone balance.








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