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The appearance of our body is grossly overestimated, while its capabilities are grossly underestimated. Our body is a seismograph whose signals we should pay more attention to. It reacts immediately when something is not right, when something doesn't agree with us. Mine, for example, reacts with a rising nausea as soon as I switch on Germany's Next Top Model.

Somehow I still keep waiting to see whether I might find the Winner catch. For me, that would be a girl who puts her hands on her hips and says: "How are you talking to me?" That would be a top girl. Self-confident, without any sign of submissiveness, demanding respect.

Heidi Klum is dangerous. If she were a man, you would immediately realise what was happening. That young, naive women are being trained here and taught to parry. But Heidi Klum is a good-looking, successful woman with a squeaky voice. A macho man in sheep's clothing. It hypnotises millions of young viewers and thus takes on a new dimension. significant influence on how women see themselves and are seen. And here are 9 good reasons why I would prefer a world without Klum:

1. she sells submissiveness to young women as the quality needed to make it.

2. it rewards women for parrying.

3 Heidi as a role model? For what? For the fact that when a woman has made it far, she is allowed to bully her successors?

4 Nora Tschirner summarised this wonderfully: "She sells the girls the message: "The outer voices are more important than your inner voice."

5 Heidi Klum is known to be a great businesswoman. What do we call people who do business with the naivety of young women?

6 According to a recent study, 91 % of women are dissatisfied with their bodies. If you publicly criticise even very young, extremely pretty women, you are communicating to the 91 %: "You are right to be dissatisfied".

7. to publicly bully young, naive women who are not yet stable and run their self-esteem into the ground borders on psychological abuse. Just because we have become accustomed to it doesn't make it any less abuse.

8 She shapes our image of women. And Klum's image of women looks like this: a woman has only done well enough when she does what others expect of her.

9. putting women down sucks. Young women who look up to you, even more so!

I wonder if she talks to her daughters like that? Aren't we responsible for young people who don't yet have so much life experience? When I was talking about this topic with a friend the other day, she said: "But the industry is really tough. They're just being prepared for it." That may be true. But then Mrs Klum should be teaching them how to deal with this pressure, how to save their own souls in this industry, instead of smacking girls who are trying to read their own worth in her eyes. I think this is what is normally meant by preparation. But the quota is more likely to be The pleasure of tormenting made.

First and foremost, I wish young women a good relationship with themselves, which is hard enough without Klum. I wish that for all women, especially for the 91 % who can no longer appreciate their bodies because they believe that we are only lovable when we are perfect.

These are all letters. I don't always succeed in expressing what is important to me. I'll leave it this time Shea Glover for me, a young woman who put people in front of her camera to tell them that they are standing there because she thinks they are beautiful. I heartily recommend that you take the 4 minutes to watch the video. It's guaranteed to make your day better!

Click here for the video: People react to being called beautiful

Dear HeidiLook at what that does to people. It's deeply disappointing the way you use your presence. Unfortunately, you won't get a photo from me this week...

I am in favour:

Body awareness instead of body perfection!

Good body knowledge instead of dependence on the beauty industry.

Naturally good looks instead of spray-painted zombies.

Chi instead of Botox!