by Christina | Jan 28, 2019 | Blog
"Chi instead of Botox" is a child of chance. When life beckons with a task in front of me, I enthusiastically accept the challenge. When I was 36, it gave me wrinkles that I didn't want to put up with. I felt that it...
by Christina | Jan 15, 2019 | Blog
Effective help against wrinkles that you can do yourself - that would be something. If you could see the results immediately after the treatment, that would be even better! Gua Sha on the face can do that. This centuries-old method from traditional medicine...
by Christina | Nov 20, 2018 | Blog
Image source: Life gets better after 40, smart women know that. Others, on the other hand, eye this time sceptically and cling desperately to the old. Not everything was better in the past and youth in itself does not make you happy. Women only need to do one thing...
by Christina | Nov 6, 2018 | Blog
Image source: For once, this story is not recommended for imitation, but it is still incredibly fascinating. How Dien Cham saved me from calling for rescue. The other evening. My husband and I were having a cosy chat in bed, and...
by Christina | Oct 23, 2018 | Blog
Yes, this article contains advertising. I have to write it that way, although in reality it is a recommendation that comes from the heart. During the last course organised by TCM beautician Franziska, I got to know this facial cupping device. I...