Fighting wrinkles and sagging skin with creams is a bit like thinking you're sporty just because you watch football. Nothing comes from nothing. Gravity won't spare your face just because it has the most expensive cream on it. Your face needs exercise! Let's talk about facial yoga.
It's a shame. There is something that costs nothing, is available to every woman every day and yet hardly anyone uses it: facial yoga! There is too little guidance, too little safety and too many myths surrounding this method. That's why you can find out everything you need to know here before you get involved in facial yoga. I myself have been practising facial yoga for years and have a Book I have written about it and taught it to hundreds of women. It is a marvellous way to keep the signs of ageing on the face and also some complaints in the head area at bay. As there is a lot of uncertainty in this area, here are the facts:
1. the positive effect of facial yoga has been scientifically confirmed

OÖN, 10 JANUARY 2018
An American study was published in the specialist journal "JAMA Dermatology" in which the anti-ageing effect of facial yoga was scientifically proven for the first time.
All the myths about facial yoga causing additional wrinkles or ruining the skin have now been dispelled once and for all. "Knowing how" is the magic word here, which I will explain to you in point 25. Facial yoga can magically remove years from your face and prevent new wrinkles from appearing. I myself got rid of my frown lines with it.
2. facial yoga improves your appearance from day one
"Have you had Botox injections?" You are sometimes confronted with this question when you start doing facial yoga. You notice the positive effects on your face after the very first session. You look relaxed and somehow "smoother". The tissue is firmer and your complexion is beautifully rosy.
3. facial yoga reverses the "downward trend" in your face
Like everywhere else on the body, gravity is also at work on the face. Over the years, everything sinks a little and the "piling up" layers of skin create wrinkles, sagging cheeks and a sad facial expression. What do you do if you want to stop this downward trend on your bum? That's right, butt exercises. And what do you do on your face? That's right, apply a magic cream for 100 euros.
That's ridiculous. As we get older, we lose 30 to 40 % of muscle mass. Your face needs exercise too! Targeted muscle building not only stops this downward trend, but can even reverse it. This is how you can take years off your face.
4. facial yoga replaces the lost subcutaneous fat
You've probably noticed that the face looks thinner and thinner over time and therefore older.
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The thing that makes a young face look plumped up like a peach is the subcutaneous fat that we unfortunately lose with age. Facial yoga consists of targeted exercises that increase the mass of your facial muscles. This muscle mass replaces the volume that your face has lost due to the loss of subcutaneous fat. This makes it look more voluminous again in the right places, giving you a beautiful firm forehead, high cheekbones and plumper lips.
5. facial yoga makes your skin firmer
On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the skin is very well supplied with blood every time you exercise and the lymphatic fluid, which otherwise causes swelling, starts to move and can drain away. Secondly, your muscles gain volume, which makes your face look more "peachy", i.e. a little fuller and more beautiful. This also leads to
6. facial yoga reduces and/or removes wrinkles
As described in the last point, when the skin tightens, some wrinkles will disappear and others will be significantly reduced. Your forehead muscle, for example, is a large muscle. Imagine what it looks like when it relaxes and presses down on your eyebrows with its weight.
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The eye ring muscle is also no longer as strong, so it also sinks under its own weight and that of the forehead muscle. What happens? Frown lines and drooping upper eyelids! A few exercises can work wonders. Here's why:
7. facial yoga makes your eyes bigger and brighter
Take a look at my photo. I've always had drooping upper eyelids. I'm about 20 years old in the first picture. This is what my eyes looked like when I was young. You can imagine what I would look like today if I didn't practise facial yoga. I would probably be a candidate for upper eyelid surgery for medical reasons, because my field of vision would be severely restricted. Anyway, 20 years later I met up again with the friend from the first picture, who I cut out to protect her privacy. Of course we wanted to take a souvenir photo. When I posted it next to the old photo on Facebook, I realised that my eyes look more open and bigger now than they did then - even though I'm now 42! Thanks to facial yoga.
And again, it's not just about looking good, but also about feeling good. With your eyes wide open, you simply see more...
How does it work? Your large forehead muscle becomes firmer and lifts your eyebrows. That alone would be enough, but of course practising also tightens your eye ring muscle and gives your upper eyelid great support again.
8. facial yoga reduces bags under your eyes
This is because lymphatic fluid flows under your skin and its job is to remove waste products. The older we get, the more sluggish the lymphatic system becomes. The fluid builds up. Especially at night when you are lying down. That's why bags under the eyes are at their worst in the morning. The lymphatic system loves movement. As soon as you start exercising, you will notice that you have to swallow a few times. This is a sign that your lymphatic fluid has started to move and drain. Your bags under the eyes will be significantly smaller or have disappeared completely after training. In a completely natural, healthy way that your body desires.
9. facial yoga reduces your nasolabial folds
These are the wrinkles between your nose and the corners of your mouth that can dig really deep into the skin. They form because the muscles in your cheeks have become saggy and heavy and sink downwards. They can be particularly pronounced in slim women. I've heard the saying: "Well, you either have wrinkles or you're overweight."
This saying is certainly justified. Because with every extra kilo on your ribs, you naturally have more volume in your face. Unless you do facial yoga. Even in very slim women - including myself - the growing muscles create sufficient volume in the face so that the nasolabial folds are smoothed out and the face doesn't look so gaunt.
10. facial yoga makes your lips fuller
The upper lip becomes narrower with age. This is why some women have their lips injected. And although cosmetic surgeons have become more careful and work more gently, you can always tell that something has been injected. But why is the upper lip getting thinner and thinner?
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The fullness of the lips decreases with age. The elasticity of the connective tissue of the upper lip and nose decreases and the upper lip becomes slack. This bothers us because we unconsciously realise what researchers also prove: fuller lips make us look younger. And this is where facial yoga provides a great tightening and natural plumping effect that no one thinks about injecting.
11. facial yoga makes beautiful cheekbones
Of course, it is not cheekbones, but quite simply the muscles of the cheeks, which can be wonderfully "plumped up" by exercising. This gives the whole face a more youthful appearance and gives the lower half of the face good support. The more muscular the cheek area is, the less nasolabial folds and sagging cheeks can form.
12. facial yoga makes you more charismatic
Actors also do facial warm-up exercises so that they can convey emotions more expressively. A trained face looks more supple and lively. This suppleness in the face creates charisma and attractiveness. It is one of the many small things that our subconscious notes and analyses without us consciously looking at it.
13. facial yoga removes your double chin
Regular and, above all, targeted exercises firm the tissue of the face and neck area. This also improves blood circulation in this area, melts the fatty tissue, tightens the contracture muscle and thus the neck and chin area. This creates beautiful, youthful facial contours.
This is Maria before and after 3 weeks of facial yoga. 3 weeks. Her double chin wasn't even that pronounced and other areas were important to her, but you can see from the photo how much younger her face looks without even a hint of a double chin.
14. facial yoga helps against snoring
Snoring and ageing often go hand in hand. How could they not when the tissue in the chin and neck area is completely flabby, as described in the last point? Strengthening the hyoid muscle leads to less snoring while at the same time the chin and neck area tightens up wonderfully. This is confirmed time and again by my course participants who "force" their husbands to do two exercises a day to combat their snoring.
15. facial yoga lifts your eyebrows
This is honest muscle work. Because eyebrows are not just about the beautiful shape, but also about where they sit... Beautiful high eyebrows give your face a fresh, energetic and youthful look and open up the eye area. This works wonders visually.
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16. facial yoga helps against fatigue
Apart from the fact that you don't like being tired - at least not during the day - tiredness also makes you look really old. I prefer to do my facial yoga after getting up, sometimes in bed. It really cheers you up and warms you up for the day. A nurse who has done my course loves doing the exercises on night duty. They cheer you up and give your eyes an alert, fit look.
17. facial yoga cleanses your skin
This is due to the fact that blood circulation improves significantly and the lymphatic system also starts to move as described above. This deeply nourishes your facial tissue in a way that is impossible to achieve with a cream or face mask.
18. facial yoga makes you look friendlier
The strengthened tissue in your face lifts the contours of your cheeks and the drooping corners of your mouth. One of the reasons I started facial yoga was because I kept getting asked "What's wrong with you?" and "Why do you look so sad?" when I was actually in a good mood. What's the point, I thought.
Gradually, I realised the connections. The sagging tissue causes the corners of the mouth to droop and the whole face takes on a sad expression. Targeted facial yoga exercises raise the corners of your mouth again and your face looks friendly again. I can look as friendly and cheerful again as I actually feel. That's a wonderful feeling.
19. facial yoga gives you a rested facial expression
Because it relaxes your muscles. Tense people are those who don't move. The rhythmic tensing and relaxing of the muscles leads to a good relaxation of the muscles, which otherwise don't get much movement. This also has an effect on the soul, because:
20. facial yoga improves your mood
And no, not by making faces. A relaxed facial expression also has an inward effect, i.e. on your soul. This is according to the so-called "facial feedback hypothesis". When you smile, your soul smiles too. Facial expression is not a one-way street according to the motto "you look the way you feel", but there is also a way in the other direction, namely that you feel the way you "look".
As facial yoga relaxes your muscles and, as described above, pulls the corners of your mouth upwards, positive impulses are sent inwards. This increases your sense of well-being.
21. facial yoga relaxes your jaw muscles
I would like to mention this point separately. The jaw muscles, just like the neck muscles, are so-called stress muscles. This is simply tissue that reacts extremely sensitively to stress, stores it and impairs your sense of well-being. In my courses, I experience time and time again that repeated practice improves mobility in the jaw area and partially releases blockages in the neck and shoulder area. Facial yoga is always good for a nice surprise in this respect.
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22nd facial yoga tightens your sagging cheeks
I recently read a doctor's comment in a magazine: "... then the dreaded sagging cheeks appear and the only thing that helps is cutting." My arse, doctor! I hope that by now you have got a feel for how facial yoga works and understand that it lifts everything in the face and therefore also reduces sagging cheeks. The result of this is
23rd facial yoga gives you beautiful facial contours
It's not just wrinkles that we use to judge a person's age. Wrinkles are overrated. If you have a wrinkle-free face but sagging cheeks and unclear facial contours, you are estimated to be older. In some people, the tissue is so saggy that the lower jawline merges smoothly into the neck.
Our eyes make instinctive decisions. A young face has very clear facial contours, which become increasingly rounded as we get older. With facial yoga, you can make them firmer again and ensure clearer facial contours.
24. facial yoga makes your complexion rosier and more even
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If you usually need a lot of make-up, you can skip half of it from now on. The stimulated blood circulation simply makes your face look more radiant, more awake and your complexion rosier.
25 There is a difference between facial yoga and facial gymnastics
Firstly, facial yoga is gentler on the face than facial gymnastics. This is what I meant by "knowing how" in point 1. Under no circumstances should new wrinkles be created when practising. The other difference is similar to that between yoga and gymnastics. While gymnastics only offers exercises, yoga is a way of life. Thus, facial yoga draws attention to larger contexts and offers advice for everyday life. Upright posture is closely linked to the appearance of the face. There are breathing exercises that make the face glow, the skin needs a lot of oxygen. It trains mindfulness in everyday life so that you can stop making unnecessary wrinkles with arbitrary facial expressions (do you squint your eyes or raise your eyebrows when reading? ;)).
My story
The face is and remains the focal point of a person. So the fact that you are not indifferent to how you look has nothing to do with vanity. After all, our face is our calling card. Before I started facial yoga, I had frown lines and the corners of my mouth were drooping. I was constantly asked if I was sad. It was a strange feeling to no longer be able to convey my normal state of mind and joie de vivre to the outside world with an appropriate facial expression.
Facial yoga gave me a new body awareness. It's about so much more than just wrinkles. The face is part of the body. Today I feel fit from head to toe. Why should fitness stop at the neck? I have a whole new attitude to life in my face. I can feel it. I have a previously unknown awareness of my face, its condition and its movements. It's difficult to describe. It's best to try it for yourself.
To make it easier to access the right exercises, I have created a Video course in which I not only present facial yoga in theory and practice, but also show you two simple and effective Chinese facial massages and a Vietnamese facial reflex massage. The benefits are clear:
1. you don't have to leave the house, so you are flexible and can get started straight away
2. we practise "together", so you don't have to look up or read up anywhere, not even stop time
3. it gives you the certainty that you are doing it right
4. you can use it to perform a natural facelift without surgery
5. the costs are incomparably low compared to other beauty products, because
6. you have the videos forever
So you can only win! Register here and get started right away :
-> click here for the course
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