There are 2 things you should pay attention to in everyday life when it comes to the shape of your face. These 2 things ensure that you can either maintain a beautiful face shape into old age, or face a double chin and blurred facial contours at a young age. One may come as a surprise, the other will probably seem logical, and yet very few people think about it. Welcome to the fascinating world of our bodies.
1. mouth breathing
This may come as a surprise. If you breathe through your mouth, your face will gradually become deformed. When breathing through the mouth, the tongue lies slack in the mouth. The tongue is one of the strongest muscles in the body and should be active. When we breathe through the nose, 2/3 of it should rest on the upper palate, with the tip of the tongue 2 mm behind the front teeth.
When swallowing, it should press firmly against the palate. As it has enormous strength, it presses the palate into shape around 2,000 times a day - that's how often we swallow every day. This gives it very important impulses and the shape of an inverted U.
If the tongue is slack, we use it too little or not at all when swallowing. The important impulse for the palate fails to materialise. The palate becomes deformed and takes on the shape of an inverted V. This causes the face to become narrower and sink downwards - the facial contours disappear, as does the chin, hello double chin. In addition, the teeth now have too little space and push over each other.

In my video you can see what other consequences mouth breathing can have and what the second thing is that you should definitely think about in everyday life: