Just as fascia rollers for the body help you to achieve greater relaxation and healthier fascia, regular use of the TJ Motion can have a serious impact on your face. It is the new star in our shop.
It was designed to relax the masseter muscle, the largest muscle in the face. This is important for our purposes because the masseter muscle forms the frame of the face, which determines its contours. In most of us, it is tense, very sensitive and reacts quickly to stress. Tension exacerbates nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks and pulls the corners of the mouth downwards. It also intensifies the so-called ageing triangle - the face becomes wider and more massive.
What is the TJ Motion?
The TJ-Motion is an innovative small training device that comes in a practical and handy form - made from high-quality medical silicone, the same material used for soothers. This well thought-out product was developed by an experienced physiotherapist and osteopath who has made it her goal to ensure that as many people as possible have access to this holistic aid.

A similar solution has been available in the USA for some time now - a real hype has developed around the product there, especially among women. However, the American equivalent has some disadvantages: It costs a hefty 250 euros, is made of an excess of plastic and also involves a lot of effort, as you have to customise the entire splint first. On top of this, the device has to be connected to an app, which makes access complicated and confusing.
The situation is quite different with the TJ-Motion. The training device focusses on the essentials and at the same time offers high quality. It fulfils its function efficiently, without superfluous extras. As the TJ-Motion is manufactured in Germany, the highest production standards are guaranteed.

How does TJ Motion work?
The TJ-Motion is a true marvel when it comes to relaxing the jaw muscle. When this muscle is relaxed, it has far-reaching positive effects on your overall posture and the shape of your face. Relaxing the jaw can be very effective in straightening your posture and making your face look more youthful.
Over the course of our lives, our face goes through many changes; we spoke earlier about the so-called age triangle. Over time, our face tends to get wider - a natural process that we can counteract. This is where the TJ-Motion comes into play, which can help to rejuvenate your facial structure. Targeted relaxation helps the jaw muscle to regain its original length. This has a remarkable effect on various areas of the face.

Source: 123rf.com (reworked)
But that's not all. Jaw tension can often also be associated with tension in the neck and back. Imagine how the tension spreads from your head to your feet - these connections are crucial to understanding your overall health.
For those of you who are working with facial yoga and may not be seeing the rapid progress you would like - the TJ-Motion could provide good support. When the jaw is relaxed, the results of our facial yoga practice can be significantly improved. Your beautician's devices also produce better results when the jaw is in a relaxed state.
How is it used?
You can use it on the side. You only use it for 1 - 3 minutes and can get on with your work. Ideally, you should do this 3 times a day.

You can also combine the TJ-Motion with body exercises. I have developed a programme for the users of my Online course has put together a short exercise unit. You can find it in the bonus chapter. It is relatively short because it is not about length but about regularity.
You put the TJ Motion in for a few minutes and then take it out again, that's all you have to do. You simply place it on the lower molars and close your mouth. The upper teeth touch the attachment pads lightly, please do not bite on them.
It is advisable to start further forward, i.e. just behind the canine. Slowly work your way towards the back molars.

If your jaw is very tense, you can also start with 1 minute. A tense muscle can only be relaxed slowly, so please do not overdo it. Later you can TJ Motion but you can also keep it in your mouth for longer, for example during your yoga session. When I'm working on my PC, for example, I find that it prevents my shoulders from curling up and giving me bad posture.
Remember: a tense muscle needs patience and a gentle approach to get into relaxation, so it's important not to overdo it and not to put it on the back molars for half an hour straight away 😉 More is not always more.

What happens now?
After about 45 seconds, your brain sends the command for the jaw muscle to relax. If you do this regularly, the muscle learns that this is the normal state and you have restored your jaw muscles to their original length.
Incidentally, the TJ-Motion is not supposed to sit tightly on the tooth. The feedback keeps coming back: "It's too loose on me." You should know that this is exactly the point. The looser it sits, the fewer impulses are set in the wrong place. This is because such impulses can cause tension to build up again. It should only be put on loosely and the mouth closed loosely.

Once again - regularity and long-term thinking are very important here. As always, the results come faster for some than for others, but it is fundamentally something you should think about in the longer term so that the face can really change in terms of shape. We don't just want a relaxed jaw muscle, we want the lower part of our face to take on a younger shape again.
What are the side effects?
The TJ-Motion also relaxes the palate and the entire throat, which means that we can breathe better again. It activates the vagus nerve, which can also have a positive effect on digestion, and it also helps to relax the neck. The effects can go all the way down to the feet, so don't be surprised if you notice changes anywhere. The TJ-Motion is small but not to be underestimated!
I have ordered the TJ Motion. I'm still on holiday until Monday. I'm looking forward to coming back home and trying it out Best regards Iris Sturm
Dear Iris,
I wish you lots of fun with the TJ Motion! 🤗
Kind regards,
Dear Christina, I am following your many interesting contributions with great interest. I would like some information about the TJ Motion. I am 77 years old and wear a lower jaw prosthesis. As I am getting younger for my age, I would very much like to try these two items at home. Would you advise me to do so? I mean, do you have any experience of whether denture wearers have problems wearing the TJ Motions? Thank you very much!
Dear Renate,
To be on the safe side, I spoke to TJ Motion's "mum", Sonja, and it's no problem at all. It's just important that you hold it LOCKER between your teeth.
Best regards,