Blog posts

TJ Motion – die Faszienrollen fürs Gesicht

TJ Motion - the fascia rollers for the face

Just as fascia rollers for the body help you to achieve greater relaxation and healthier fascia, regular use of the TJ Motion can have a serious impact on your face. It is the new star in our shop. It is designed to support the masseter muscle, the largest...

So formt dein Alltag dein Gesicht

How your everyday life shapes your face

There are 2 things you should pay attention to in everyday life when it comes to the shape of your face. These 2 things will ensure that you can either maintain a beautiful face shape into old age, or you will be left with a double chin and a small,...

Gesichtsyoga: 5 Fragen, die mir am häufigsten gestellt werden

Facial yoga: 5 questions I am asked most frequently

Facial yoga has been a part of my life for so long that I sometimes forget that others are not as familiar with it as I am. So it happens that I'm asked the same thing over and over again when I've posted some facial yoga exercises again. So here I explain...

3 Sachen, die einer Frau über 40 nicht mehr stehen

3 things that no longer suit a woman over 40

"3 things a woman over 40 should no longer wear" - these and similar articles and videos really get on my nerves. Who actually decides this nonsense, who says what "a woman" (because we are all the same) should no longer wear and when? Who...

Schlupflider straffen: mit Gesichtsyoga und Gua Sha

Lifting drooping eyelids: with facial yoga and Gua Sha

Drooping eyelids bother us because they make us look tired and older. As someone who has genetic drooping eyelids, I know that they also make you feel more tired. The field of vision is restricted. You can counteract this by unconsciously closing...

Wie bekomme ich mehr Kollagen?

How do I get more collagen?

 Collagen is the main player when it comes to the skin's elasticity and resilience. Collagen also has the important function of binding fluid in the skin. Unfortunately, collagen production decreases more and more with age, which means that the skin...

Stirn entspannen, Zornesfalten reduzieren: Gesichtsmassage

Relax forehead, reduce frown lines: Facial massage

There is one area of your face where the tension of the day often builds up like storm clouds - your forehead. We have become so accustomed to this tension that we are usually not even aware of it. But over time, it creates unsightly feelings of anger and...

2 Tipps für schöne Haut im Sommer

2 tips for beautiful skin in summer

It's finally summer and we've been looking forward to it for so long! However, the sun and the dryness of our skin are also a problem. We drink more in summer, but forget to quench our skin's thirst. Here are two tips on how you can...

Krähenfüße: Ursachen, Gesichtsyoga und Punkte

Crow's feet: causes, facial yoga and points

Eye wrinkles are one of the most visible signs of ageing, as we usually look people in the eye. However, they are not always just to do with age and the ageing process. This area of the face harbours some exciting secrets. Because eye wrinkles have...

Gua Sha & Akupressur gegen Hängebäckchen 3/3 (+Video)

Gua Sha & acupressure against sagging cheeks 3/3 (+video)

There is a good reason why Gua Sha, the Chinese scraping massage, has been used for more than 2000 years - it works. So why shouldn't it also be used to treat sagging cheeks? After this series dealt with facial yoga in Part 1 and Part 2, we...

Gesichtsyoga gegen Hängebäckchen 2/3 (+Video)

Facial yoga against sagging cheeks 2/3 (+video)

So here is the second part of the facial yoga exercises that help against sagging cheeks. You can find the first part under this link if you haven't read it yet. I recommend that you start with it, as you will find a lot of important information about the...

Wie Zucker die Haut altern lässt: hast du ein „Sugarface“?

How sugar ages the skin: do you have a "sugar face"?

Image source: It's raining outside and the wind is whistling an audible tune about how it's cosiest at home today. What's more, it's Sunday and we're cosying up on the couch with the kids. We've just prepared a sumptuous...

Jede Frau sollte ihre eigene Geschichte schreiben

Every woman should write her own story

Women are born extras in the film of other people's lives. For centuries, we were just the sidecar of the man, the children, the boss. A well-functioning household and care robot with a long-lasting battery that didn't need to be recharged. Today...

Karottenöl fürs Gesicht – 5 Gründe, warum es mich begeistert

Carrot oil for the face - 5 reasons why I love it

Image source: There are at least 5 good reasons for using carrot oil in facial care. I have combination skin, which can get really dry in some places in winter. As I layer, I like to use carrot oil on my face at this dry time of...

Gua Sha im Gesicht: Alles über das Anti-Falten-Wunder

Gua Sha on the face: all about the anti-wrinkle miracle

Effective help against wrinkles that you can do yourself - that would be something. If you could see the results immediately after the treatment, that would be even better! Gua Sha on the face can do that. This centuries-old method from traditional medicine...

11 Gründe warum es Frauen ab 40 besser haben

11 reasons why women over 40 are better off

Image source: Life gets better after 40, smart women know that. Others, on the other hand, eye this time sceptically and cling desperately to the old. Not everything was better in the past and youth in itself does not make you happy. Women only need to do one thing...

Wie mich 3 Dien Cham Punkte vor dem Krankenhaus gerettet haben

How 3 Dien Cham points saved me from the hospital

Image source: For once, this story is not recommended for imitation, but it is still incredibly fascinating. How Dien Cham saved me from calling for rescue. The other evening. My husband and I were having a cosy chat in bed, and...

Dieser Schröpfer ist ein Hammer! Ein neuer Star beim Gesichts-Schröpfen.

This cupping machine is awesome! A new star in facial cupping.

Yes, this article contains advertising. I have to write it that way, although in reality it is a recommendation that comes from the heart. During the last course organised by TCM beautician Franziska, I got to know this facial cupping device. I...

So machst du Lebensfreude zum Teil deines Alltags

How to make joie de vivre part of your everyday life

Full throttle or what? We may be rich, but we need more of the really important things. More time out, more silence, more joy, more meaning. All the stuff that doesn't cost anything and whose value we therefore find hard to assess. We should definitely...

Langzeitwirkung von Dien Cham & Video-Anleitung

Long-term effect of Dien Cham & video instructions

A lot has been written here on my website about Dien Cham, the Vietnamese facial reflex massage. Anyone who knows my book "Chi instead of Botox" or has done my course will know or even practise the method themselves. In Vietnam, this massage is...

5 gute Gründe zum Feiern!!!

5 good reasons to celebrate!!!

We all work hard and hard, and when our work bears fruit, we should take the time for a little celebration. So today I cordially invite you to rejoice with me! 1. the 5th edition in just 4 years! Unbelievable but true - only four years...

Der weibliche Selbstwert: Wie Frauen zu mehr Selbstwert kommen

Female self-esteem: How women achieve greater self-worth

Image source: I have finished writing my second book. You know my first book - "Chi statt Botox" is now 4 years old and fortunately the 5th edition is currently being printed. I also had this problem back then - the...

8 Fragen, die eine Frau über 40 sich stellen sollte

8 questions a woman over 40 should ask herself

Image source: Welcome to the midlife crisis, a wild time when relationships break up, jobs are cancelled and everything is turned upside down. Welcome to the second puberty, an uncomfortable time full of questions without answers, full of...

Von der Kunst, eine entspannte Frau zu sein

The art of being a relaxed woman

There are two words that can thoroughly spoil your joie de vivre. Whatever follows them is rarely pleasant. They are like weeds - no sooner have you pulled them out than they grow back again. The words are: "I should". Recently I...

Das „Jugendhormon“ DHEA: 6 Wege, mehr davon zu produzieren

The "youth hormone" DHEA: 6 ways to produce more of it

Image source: So it really does exist, this elixir of life that can help you live a longer but above all good and healthy life. The surprise is - your body produces it itself. It's called DHEA and is one of the...

Dien Chan und das Geheimnis der Jugend: Dr. Ngoc Levan erzählt

Dien Chan and the secret of youth: Dr Ngoc Levan tells the story

When I was researching for my book, it wasn't so easy to find someone who could tell me more about Dien Chan, the Vietnamese facial reflex massage. All the more pleasing is the fact that there is now one in Linz - just round the corner from me, so to speak....

MSM – der Stoff, aus dem Gesundheit gemacht ist

MSM - the stuff that health is made of

Joint problems, sallow skin, dull hair, circulatory disorders, depression, anxiety, cataracts, brittle fingernails, flaccid connective tissue, pain and inflammation - MSM is the divine substance that provides important support on each of these fronts.

Über das Fasten und den Charme des Verzichts

On fasting and the charm of doing without

Image source: Our rushing, stuffing, chasing after more leads to our lives losing the dynamic that underlies all living things - the healthy rhythm. The regular alternation between eating and digesting, working and resting,...

Wie ging es eigentlich mit Aschenputtel weiter? Ein Märchen für Erwachsene.

What happened to Cinderella? A fairy tale for adults.

What actually happened to Cinderella? Storytellers make it easy for themselves. They always stop when things threaten to get complicated. I would love to know what happened to Cinderella. What happened to the girl who was told from an early age...

Gesichtsyoga: 25 Fakten, warum es dich jünger aussehen lässt

Facial yoga: 25 facts why it makes you look younger

Fighting wrinkles and sagging skin with creams is a bit like thinking you're sporty just because you watch football. Nothing comes from nothing. Gravity won't spare your face just because it has the most expensive cream on it. Your face needs...

Diese 3 Tipps verhindern, dass Deine Vorsätze scheitern

These 3 tips will prevent your resolutions from failing

Image source: My grandad and grandma were both smokers. When they were about my age, Grandad said he was quitting. In the many decades that have passed since then, he hasn't touched a single cigarette. That's just the way he is, my...

Frauen in kreativen Hormonzuständen – 3 Anregungen

Women in creative hormonal states - 3 suggestions

Image source: This article is for women who realise that they have less and less patience with their surroundings. Women who suddenly don't feel like being cute anymore: for women in creative hormonal states, be it PMS, menopause or the...

Wir sind Christkind!

We are Christkind!

Recently, a British comedian asked his audience to applaud with these words: "Please give a big hand to women for organising Christmas year after year!" Yes, dear ladies, we are Christkind. We are Christmas magic. We are...

3 Wege, Deine Schilddrüse zu stärken

3 ways to strengthen your thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is an organ whose size should not deceive us. This small organ has big tasks to fulfil. Our well-being, health, beauty and fertility depend on its performance. I have written about this in this...

Wie Du erkennst, ob Deine Schilddrüse okay ist

How to recognise whether your thyroid is okay

Hmm, how did I come to pick out one organ and dedicate an entire article to it? Why the thyroid gland of all things? I didn't know that at first either. I'm a kinesiologist and use muscle testing to test physical and mental imbalances. This shows...

Der Wunsch dazuzugehören – und sein Preis: Showdown eines Mobbings

The desire to belong - and its price: a bullying showdown

Image source: Last weekend I was at a party that reminded me of an old pain. I realised again how much it hurts when you are excluded, bullied or schemed against. How do you deal with it when you're bullied by a...

Mit Gel oder Wasser schröpfen & einige kleine Schröpfwunder

Cupping with gel or water & some small cupping miracles

Today I would like to respond to some of your feedback and questions. Let's start with the mail from Anita: Dear christina These 2 photos were taken today at 7am. You can really see the differences, especially the wrinkles under the eyes.... Before, after and this...

Für schlechten Sex gibt´s keinen guten Grund

There's no good reason for bad sex

Image source: Oooh, what thin ice! What is bad sex and what is good sex? Do I have good sex, or could it be even better? What does she actually want to write about? Well, I'm concerned about statements from some clients (in my...

Einmal Schneckenschleim, bitte!

One snail slime, please!

My dear mum recently sent me the following newspaper clipping via WhatsApp without any accompanying text: "Vaginal cream! Not in the place it's made for, though, but smeared on your face. Nadja got this insider tip from her make-up artist." I look...

„Glück“ kommt manchmal von „Glücksspiel“

"Luck" sometimes comes from "gambling"

Last weekend, my husband and I went to an open-air fashion show in Gmunden. The shops were open longer for the occasion and so we strolled through the many small galleries and art shops that this small but beautiful town has to offer. That's when I...

Bioidente Hormone – Interview mit Dr. Plakolm

Bioidentical hormones - Interview with Dr Plakolm

So, my dears! I am so happy about this interview! It's been on my mind for a long time, but I've never found the time, and the topic is so hot! Now it's finished, and I feel like I've done something important. If you drive a car...

Wenn diese eine Sache nicht passt, ist alles aus dem Gleichgewicht

If this one thing doesn't fit, everything is out of balance

Image source: Obesity, skin problems, insomnia, depression, fatigue, cysts, fibroids, burnout, irritability, headaches, forgetfulness - your doctor doesn't always remember to check your hormones. And so you can often rely on...

Diese 4 Punkte lassen dein Gesicht altern – und so kannst du sie stoppen

These 4 points age your face - and how you can stop them

Image source: Far too often we take things for granted and believe that's the way it is. That's how I felt years ago. I was almost 36, had frown lines and puffiness under my eyes. My face felt tired and heavy, I...

Warum Gurkenwasser fit macht

Why cucumber water makes you fit

sSummer has decided on a hot finale, with temperatures climbing above 30 degrees again over the next few days. I would like to recommend this simple drink for such hot days. Quick to make, healthy and great to quench your thirst: cucumber water. Simply...

Eine Krise ist kein Versagen

A crisis is not a failure

When someone you care about is in a bad way and won't let you help them... you feel pretty helpless. This video is a plea for more honesty, for a way of working together in which nobody has to be afraid to confide. Just because you have a crisis...

Wer nicht loslässt, wird schneller alt

Those who don't let go grow old faster

I don't know about you, but for us, summer is sticking to the rules of the season - it's beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! It was so hot at times that I was really happy about the few cool days. As my son was ill and so I...

Das Yin in einer männlichen Welt

The yin in a masculine world

On Saturday I led my last live course before the summer break and once again it was a very nice day and an interesting exchange between women. Thanks to the participants (unfortunately not all of them made it onto the photo) and to Bacopa for the soothing...

Leichter Sommer-Smoothie für pralle Haut

Light summer smoothie for plump skin

It's hot and it's time to drink, drink, drink. You're looking for something refreshing. I have developed the perfect summer smoothie for myself. The list of ingredients is short and simple and, above all, local. Who wants to chase after mangoes and pineapple now when the...

Wie ich mit Chi statt Botox aufgehört habe

How I stopped using Chi instead of Botox

I know, I know. I always preach to you to take 10 minutes on weekdays to use "Chi instead of Botox", that's enough for wonderful results. I've been doing it myself for years. Well, and then of course there are always phases...

Tamanuöl – das kleine Wunder

Tamanu oil - the little miracle

Image source: During my last Chi instead of Botox course, a woman came up to me during the break and handed me some photocopied documents. She wanted to tell me about an oil that had significantly improved her quality of life. She has spent her whole life...

6 Dinge, die ein Schröpfglas für Dich und Deine Familie tun kann

6 things a cupping glass can do for you and your family

Cupping will make your face beautiful, improve your complexion and erase wrinkles. If you've read my book or attended my course on Far Eastern methods to improve your appearance, you've almost certainly seen one or more of these...

9 Gründe, warum mir Heidi Klum nicht egal ist

9 reasons why I care about Heidi Klum

Image source: The appearance of our body is grossly overestimated, while its capabilities are grossly underestimated. Our body is a seismograph whose signals we should pay more attention to. It reacts immediately when something is not right, when we...

Dien Cham Punkte für ein besseres Hormongleichgewicht

Dien Cham points for a better hormone balance

Small points - big effect Dien Cham is a Vietnamese facial reflex massage. Just as we massage the soles of the feet to do something good for the body, in Vietnam points are massaged on the face. This has a great benefit for the appearance, as the...

Gesichtspflege auf Koreanisch – was Koreanerinnen einfach besser machen

Facial care in Korean - what Koreans simply do better

Looking for the perfect cream? What are the chances that there is a cream that meets your skin's exact requirements every day? Do as Koreans do. There is no perfect cream, but there is a perfect solution! Actually, this is the...

Breast surgery for Mother's Day

An Austrian broadcaster is encouraging young women to give themselves and their mothers new breasts for Mother's Day. The campaign is called "Tutti Kompletti". A woman is probably only complete with silicone breasts. I have been trying for years to encourage women to have healthy...

So geht das mit dem Schröpfen und Schaben richtig

How to do cupping and scraping correctly

You know by now that cupping and scraping are massage techniques that help the face to get rid of unsightly puffiness, reduce wrinkles and produce more collagen and elastin again (for the newbies among you, take a look at...

Anti-Aging-Sport geht anders

Anti-ageing sport is different

Image source: Sometimes you get the feeling that if you don't run, cycle or do other aerobic activity for 30 minutes three times a week, it's not "real" sport. And because it's not always that easy, you often don't do it at all. Because everything...

Wie du über Nacht deine Hormone für dich arbeiten lässt

How to make your hormones work for you overnight

Image With this headline, I would like to carefully approach a topic that is generally known but not popular. I'd hate for you not to finish reading because it doesn't seem feasible to you. What would you...

Mit Rasterbrille gegen altersbedingte Sehschwäche

Using raster glasses to combat age-related visual impairment

"Don't read so much, you'll ruin your eyes," warned my grandma. Now, at the age of 40, I have to admit that when I'm tired, I can no longer see clearly when I'm reading. I'm also starting to realise that I have to hold my children's school photos further and further away to...

Das musst du mal probieren – Der Hormonrun

You have to try it - The hormone run

In the course of my research, I had read it again and again somewhere - brief, intensive stress on the body stimulates various hormones. And hormones - these are the little bosses of our body that control the rate of ageing...

Kleine Laster? Die können Sie behalten. Vorausgesetzt…

Small vices? You can keep them. Provided...

Image source: Can't get rid of your little vices? You rascal, you! Anti-ageing means asceticism in perfection and an absolute ban on any... blah-blah-blah. Not everyone will like to hear this: "Comparisons show that good...

Green Smoothies – das flüssige Anti-Aging

Green smoothies - liquid anti-ageing

They are what we have always dreamed of - a source of energy that does not burden the body. Whatever you want - they have it: green smoothies. The green mixed drinks made from green leaves, fruit and water are enormously rich in protein, minerals and...